3 Ways To Use Cannabis in Your Everyday Life

With the recent legalization of cannabis in certain states across the country, many people are reconsidering their use of this substance. Some are looking to add it to their everyday lives, while others are interested in using it now and then as a safer alternative to other, more traditional drugs. Whatever your reasons may be, cannabis is becoming more prevalent and can be used in a number of situations. Here are 3 ways you can use cannabis in your everyday life.

Why Weed is Becoming More Popular

In many parts of America and other countries, cannabis is quickly becoming more popular. However, that doesn’t mean that you can use it whenever or wherever you want. As this drug becomes more socially acceptable, it’s important to find creative ways to use it, whether you have anxiety, depression, or just want something to relax with at the end of the day. In some areas, over 20% of all adults have been using marijuana regularly for a year or more. This can be attributed to two main reasons: 

  1. Most people agree that medical marijuana has powerful health benefits
  2. A recent cultural shift has seen weed become increasingly accepted throughout society

Weed is a controversial substance, but thanks to legalization efforts it’s gaining ground as a medicinal plant and wellness product. It can help with everything from depression to menstrual cramps, but many people still don’t know how to use it properly or safely. As new laws are passed, more and more people are willing to try marijuana for treating different conditions rather than just getting high. This widespread acceptance means that an increasing number of people are turning to weed for both recreational use and medicinal purposes in their everyday life.

1) Exercise

Whether you use cannabis to get a little buzz or as a way to enhance your workout, there are ways that cannabis can make exercise easier. Not only does it help reduce soreness and pain by providing temporary relief from aches and pains, but it’s also been proven to improve focus and motivation, which makes getting through grueling workouts much easier. Instead of using cannabis just before exercising, try using it throughout—you’ll not only have more energy, but you’ll find yourself much more motivated. By monitoring your intake, you can find out how much is just right for you – too little means a lack of energy while too much will lead to feeling tired or even dizzy.

2) Sleep

If you’re having trouble sleeping, cannabis might be able to help. Studies have shown that using a small amount of cannabis before bed helps with relaxation. THC may decrease REM sleep, which is when most dreaming occurs. There are also some studies showing that CBD may decrease REM sleep suppression caused by anxiety. . For those suffering from insomnia, using a combination of CBD and THC oil for sleep may be more effective than benzodiazepines. If you want faster relief for any of these sleep issues, you can also use a CBD and/or THC vape or cigarette.

3) Pain Management

It’s estimated that more than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. That’s nearly 1 in 3 people! While chronic pain affects everyone differently, cannabis can be an effective treatment for many who suffer from its debilitating symptoms. Not only can it help relieve symptoms, but it is safer and less addictive than most other prescription pain killers. For those with severe chronic pain who find themselves constantly sedated by prescription medications, it might be time to consider cannabis as a viable alternative.

Other Ways Medical Marijuana Can Help

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/VXOlvM4oyYM

Beyond relieving pain and helping with sleep disorders, cannabis can also be used for a variety of other medical treatments. It has shown to be effective in helping patients who suffer from a wide range of ailments including epilepsy, brain cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more. In addition to medicinal benefits, cannabis is also good for you on a personal level—as it provides physical and mental relaxation. Because many are wary about trying new things, marijuana education courses are cropping up all over the United States. One thing’s for sure: with more states legalizing marijuana use and awareness growing every day, cannabis is here to stay!


Although marijuana has been legalized for recreational use in 10 states and DC, there are still legalities to consider. Marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I drug, which means it’s illegal at a federal level. Even though state laws say you can use marijuana recreationally, employees of businesses that are federally funded (including many banks) could be subject to federal laws. In some cases, even if your state law says you can legally use cannabis, employers have policies that conflict with that decision—and they could fire employees who violate those policies. If you want to use cannabis legally and safely while working, always talk to your employer first before using it during work hours.


Cannabis is quickly proving to be a valuable medicinal plant. Medical marijuana has been used for thousands of years and its properties are still being discovered. Although it’s not FDA-approved, many people claim cannabis has helped them manage pain, nausea, muscle spasms, and many other conditions. As with any drug or herb you take into your body, it’s important to consult with your doctor before using medical marijuana on a regular basis.

Featured Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/KdC5agsz6ik

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