Leaking Water
Droplets near your boiler are an indication of a serious problem. A water leak can only signify that parts of the boiler are broken. They may be defective or simply aging. This is a concern not simply because of the potential damage the water may bring to the boiler’s surroundings. However, it might lead to more serious issues in the future, such as a gas leak.
Energy Consumption
If you’ve noticed an increase in your energy expenses, it might be because your boiler is running inefficiently. Before rushing to install a replacement boiler, we urge that you exhaust all possibilities before thinking it is the boiler. If you want to replace an old G-rated boiler with a modern A-rated boiler that has a full set of heating controls. Contact us now.
Constant Noise
Noises from boilers and heating systems are relatively unusual. After all, they do circulate water around the property via lengthy copper pipes. However, if your boiler begins to create humming, vibrating, or banging noises, it should be inspected and may be replaced.
Nasty Smells
If your boiler produces a bad smell, don’t just burn a candle to mask it. A bad smell needs immediate expert treatment since it might be a dangerous carbon monoxide leak. Carbon monoxide is incredibly harmful and may kill you and your family. Although carbon monoxide is odourless, a stench may be produced if the leak causes the boiler to not burn correctly.
Radiators are slow to heat up
If your radiators take a long time to heat up, it could be a sign that your boiler is inefficiently running. While there might be a number of reasons why your radiators aren’t heating up, it’s not unusual for the problem to be the boiler itself. Before installing a new boiler, consult with a engineers. It may be as simple as bleeding the radiators or doing a power flush.
Book a boiler installation London call at 07888078885