8 Key Characteristics of Prophets  

wisdom of the prophets

The prophetic office is undoubtedly the most misunderstood and undervalued ministerial post in the Church today. We refuse the order if we refuse to receive an apostle. We reject destiny if we refuse to listen to a prophet. There is no future where there is no destiny. The Church is then reduced to a limited existence here and now. The Church’s fate and authority are tied to the prophet. 

Today’s Church must recognize and accept the prophetic ministry and pray that God would raise people with prophetic gifts to their due prophetic office. Those who hold the office of prophet create a charismatic order to which the Church should provide a recognized standing. The wisdom of the prophets is a book that talks about all the characteristics of prophets that can make life easier and better. It is a Celestial art book for all age groups and genders because we all need guidelines that lead us to a better future. 

Kindness to others 

One of the critical characteristics of a prophet is to be kind. Kindness makes you different and unique. All the prophets were kind to people who were either good or bad for them. It is recommendable to be compassionate and kind to all the creations of God.  

Not to receive anything in return or expect anything in return, but because of God’s mercy and to seek his blessings, it is essential to be kind. If you’re a harsh and hard-hearted person, then there is a chance that you might not receive the true essence of life. To forgive and expect nothing in return is one of the characteristics of a prophet that everybody must follow. God loves those who put their faith in him and wish for nothing. 

Helping others: 

The wisdom of the prophets is a book that discusses how helping others can change our lives. When we help others, God helps us. In the Bible, it is discussed several times to teach us the importance of being good and helpful to each other. 

God’s blessings 

The prophetic person must have a peaceful relationship with God. They must always talk from a place of faith, not from reactivity to a situation. 

A person will make mistakes from time to time. Repent and return to the Lord is the remedy. With the Lord, a person must preserve a clean slate. God promised Jeremiah protection as long as he was repentant. 

Reward for Prophets 

There are several rewards for the prophets or those who follow the prophets. They are our best instructors in this world. They can save us from the difficulties of our life and thus give us a different perspective. 


Giving voice entails speaking God’s thoughts is what the prophets do. Thus, it is essential to have complete faith in them and never doubt their doings. 

Teachings that contradict the Bible 

According to the Bible, the true prophet’s message always matched God’s Word in Scripture and defended God’s law, whereas the false prophet’s teaching contradicted sound doctrine. Any prophet who opposed God’s past revelations in His Word was a fraud. 

Spiritually Harmful Instruction 

False prophets’ teachings in the Bible did not convict people of sin or promote spiritual progress. God’s authentic prophets exclusively spoke in accordance with God’s law to strengthen and edify God’s people. 

While the Bible’s prophets communicated God’s words to the people, their duties varied. God spoke with the prophets in various ways, and the predictions they were to impart had a variety of goals, topics, and conditions. 

Prophets Inspired People to Change 

It’s easy to imagine prophets as somebody standing on a high ledge, rock, or platform, delivering a large, magnificent message to the public. On the other hand, many prophets spoke to groups of ten, three, or even one. It all depends on how much drive and inspiration were required. 

Bottom Line:  

In conclusion, we can say that those with the motivational spiritual gift of prophecy often exhibit most of the characteristics of prophets. These characteristics can either be used to help others or misapplied, causing division in the Body of Christ. 

When a believer walks in the Spirit of following prophets, he demonstrates his unique perspective through attributes that reflect Christ’s nature. When a Christian walks in “the flesh,” making decisions based on his sinful nature, his unique perspective is revealed through undesired, unholy characteristics. 

Happy Reading!!!!

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