9 Simple Grooming Tips For Every Party And Occasion

Grooming yourselves is not an easy task, more so when the sword of event anticipation is hanging high. Do you also get rickety jitters while preparing for some special occasion and fear that all your preparations will go into oblivion with one little mishap? Worry not, you are not the only one who becomes a nervous wreck in such a situation. We are here to calm down your nerves and walk you through every major and minor tip for preparing for every small gathering to a major life event.

In this article, we shall give you tips on every small detail, from head to toe, that can save you from going absolute ballistics. Since we believe appearance talks, so let it talk loud you all.

Don’t skip and Dive in!

1.    Your Face

Wherever you go, whenever you go, your face is the first and foremost thing that anybody notices and appreciates. For all we know, you lather up in gold all you want and anybody still wouldn’t give you any heads. It’s the face that talks and you need to note this point in the back of your mind.

●       Eyebrow

Starting from the eyebrows, make them sharp or bushy but shape them. Even for boys who pay eyebrows no mind; shaping your eyebrows will give your face an instant lifted and sharpened look. Search for ‘brow shaping near me’ or take power into your own hands, but do not forget your eyebrows.

●       Facial Hair

Facial hair needs to be tended, whether you are a male or female. As a male, your mustache and beard make up 50% part of your face and hence is very important to be taken care of. Know your face and understand what mustache and beard shape best suits and compliments you before giving them a cut. Also, keep in mind the event or occasion; try to go shorter if it’s a formal event.

●       Skin Pampering And Hydration

It’s important for your face to look healthy and hydrated before the important day. Thus, we suggest booking an appointment for a rejuvenating facial, at a nearby parlor/cosmetic skin center before the event. You can also try home remedies and a face pack to return your face to that natural glory. Also, do not skip the water and avoid eating junk, in case of breakouts and pimples.

●       Makeup

Makeup is the last step to reach that ultimate level of perfection you have envisioned since day ‘One’ of preparation. Makeup depends on the occasion, go for a simple natural look, for a day or evening get-together or meeting. And if it’s a wedding or some kind of fancy event, you can go for full glam and attract with that beauty and elegance of yours.

2.  The Hair

Talking about hair is a no-brainer; you need to follow the basic steps of washing them first and then comes the main part, styling them. Styling your hair to perfection is not everybody’s cup of tea, especially not with the length girls have. Boys can simply style them and set them with hairspray and gel. For girls, it can get a little difficult and you can trust a hair stylist to style them the way you want.

3.  The Clothes

You very well know about clothing, and, we do not need to remind you to get them ready at least a week early in case of alterations or minor accidents. Selecting the right fit for the special function or party is no joke and you need to make up your mind about what you are expecting from your look beforehand. Get styling inspirations and explore stores and markets to wrap your mind around all the options and choose what best meets your insights.

4.  The Footwear

Okay, your footwear is a real concern. They don’t only need to be pretty but also practical. Comfort, especially for your feet is a must and more so when you have to stay standing and moving the whole day/night. Remember to invest in a comfortable pair or you might not get up the other day.

5.  Accessories

Accessories can instantly take your look from 0 to 10. But it takes proper considerations before choosing the right accessory. Choosing from a simple pendant to a heavy necklace or a brooch, select after your clothes are confirmed. Also, we highly suggest trying out the whole outfit with accessories and footwear, to make sure you get what was in your mind.

6.  Oral Hygiene And Perfume

The last thing, body odor and oral hygiene will determine if you are worth approaching or not. So, invest in a good but not overpowering perfume and mouth spray and get ready for the long and tiring but a memorable event or party.

General Tips

7.  Take A Shower

A huge part of looking great is to feel great. Shower not only completes your grooming activities but enhances your personality from the inside out. It makes you feel refreshed and energetic at the event. Take a warm bath before an event and see wonders.

8. Other Hygiene

A hygienic body is a healthy and beautiful body, and you need to keep your body neat and clean to feel good. Nail hygiene is another top requirement after oral hygiene, and trimmed & neat nails are very important for a good personality. Plus, moisturize them to nourish them and keep them healthy.

9. Learn Basic Dinner Table Manners

After all the grooming tips and tricks, one thing left is learning basic dinner table manners. People often focus on their looks, dress & makeup and forget how to behave at the dinner table. But, people always forget that basic table manners and habits can grab attention. So you must be careful about how you eat and what you do at the table.

These are9 steps for preparing yourself for the special event. Make sure you don’t skip or miss out on any.