Everything about full mouth rehabilitation

full mouth rehabilitation

A mouth full of severely damaged teeth is not just an aesthetic problem but can also pose a serious health danger to your overall health. Losing a tooth can affect your self-confidence, but a bacterial infection from infected gums can cause heart problems and even sepsis. Not to mention how constant severe pain, headaches and jaw pain can affect the quality of your life and keep you awake at night. These kinds of dental problems will require multiple procedures and the answer for these issues may be full mouth rehabilitation. While it might sound scary, this treatment is needed to help you restore your mouth health. If you want to find out more about this life-changing process, keep reading this article.

The treatment is not for everyone

Not every teeth problem is a candidate for full mouth rehabilitation and in some cases, the dental issue is not complicated and can be solved by some simpler dental procedure. The ideal candidate for this treatment is a patient who has plenty of missing or damaged teeth and is at risk of developing a bacterial infection. But, first things first, the dentist needs to do a check-up of your mouth. The dental exam will cover not only your teeth but also your gums, jaw muscles and joints. Additionally, the dentist can suggest conducting x-rays and moulds of your teeth in order to get a clearer picture of your dental problems. Based on the result, the dentist will create a comprehensive plan that will be most effective in restoring your teeth’ proper function and natural appearance.

The restoration plan is customised

After a thorough examination of your mouth and x-ray footage, you will be informed about the severity of your dental problems. Then, the dentist will suggest a treatment plan that will help you restore a functional and healthy mouth. Also, the 3D model of your jaw will be designed to show you what the final result will look like. This is important because you can give valuable feedback and even suggest what you would like to change before the process begin. You will be encouraged to ask questions about the length of the treatment, steps, costs and sedation options, too. Once everything is settled, the restoration process can start. All existing decay that hasn’t been treated will be addressed. Even a small cavity, if left untreated can threaten the longevity of reconstruction. Therefore, old dentistry will be removed because it can shift away and cause room for more decay. In the next stage, periodontal disease will be treated. Now that underlying issues have been addressed, the dentist will take impressions of your teeth. Thus, crowns, veneers and implants can be designed perfectly to fit your new teeth. The custom restorations such as the shape and colour of your teeth are the final step in the process.

It takes time

Full teeth restoration is not an easy process and the number of dentist appointments will depend on the types of treatments involved. Keep in mind that not every dentist is able to successfully perform this complex treatment. Forum Dentistry is a dental practice that offers various services and is able to address even the most severe dental problems. If you have a lot of infected or badly broken teeth and your dentist needs to attach multiple implants, crowns and dental bridges expect that your restoration process will last for months. Still, this won’t come as a surprise to you, because the expected time frames will be included in your treatment plan. However, unexpected complications can always occur and you may need some extended care which can prolong the process. Don’t forget that your teeth and gums need to have enough time to heal between sessions, too. Nevertheless, all time you spent in the dentist’s office will pay off when the restoration process is finished and you see your dazzling smile in the mirror.

The price depends on the treatment

You’re probably wondering how much the full mouth restoration will cost. Well, this depends on what your particular restorative needs are. The largest factor in the expenses of your mouth reconstruction is the type of procedure that is required. For example, dental implants cost more than crowns or root canal filling. Furthermore, the more teeth you need to have restored or replaced, the higher expenses will be. If you have dental insurance, some of the treatments may be covered. Although, procedures that are considered cosmetic are usually not included in the insurance policy. Sometimes, the level of damage is so severe, that the dentist may suggest a replacement of all teeth. Replacing all teeth with dental implants can cost anywhere between $60,000 to $90,000 depending on the material.

Restorative dentistry is not just an option; it’s a necessity since your teeth and gums can’t heal on their own. This reconstruction will resolve even the most severe dental issues and allow you to live your life to the fullest. Still, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go to routine dental exams and practice good oral hygiene afterwards. Check out these 5 simple ways to take care of your dental health that will help you maintain that beautiful smile of yours.

Happy Reading!!!!

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