A Comprehensive Guide to Residential Property Management Services in Colorado Springs, CO

You’re in the market to purchase or rent property in Colorado Springs, but you have no idea how to maintain it on your own. You’re not alone; many Colorado Springs residents turn to residential property management services when they need help maintaining their homes and apartment buildings. This residential property management services Colorado Springs CO guide details everything you need to know about these services, including what they do, why they’re important and how you can benefit from them.


If you own a residential property and you’re looking for someone to take care of the day-to-day management needs, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Apollo Real Estate Management LLC we provide cost effective property management services for homeowners and investors in the Colorado Springs area. We specialize in taking care of your home’s major and minor maintenance issues as well as getting your property rented out quickly. Our team has over 20 years of combined experience so we’re confident that we have what it takes to make your dreams come true!

What Does a Property Manager Do?

Property managers are the people who take care of the day-to-day tasks for an individual or business. They handle everything from leasing properties and collecting rent to vetting potential tenants and handling repairs. Here’s a look at what a property manager does: Lease Properties: As a property manager, you’re responsible for finding new tenants and negotiating lease agreements. Collect Rent: It’s your job to collect rent from your tenants on time each month. You’ll also need to make sure they pay any late fees when they don’t pay on time or if there’s been damage done to the property that needs repair.

The Benefits of Hiring a Property Manager

As the owner of a rental property, you have many tasks that you need to take care of on an ongoing basis. Between finding new tenants, dealing with repairs and maintenance issues, and collecting rent payments from tenants, it can be very difficult for an individual property owner to handle everything without help. Hiring a professional best property management company Colorado Springs CO manager is the best way to ensure that your property will continue generating income for you as needed. Here are just some of the benefits that come with hiring a professional:

Things to Consider When Hiring a Property Manager

When looking for a property manager for your residential investment property, it’s important to consider the following factors: experience level of the company; size and type of properties that they manage; fees and service level agreements; communication channels (phone, email, text); how many properties the company manages at once.

How to Find a reputable Property Manager in Colorado Springs

Property managers are the backbone of any company. They are responsible for making sure that tenants are satisfied with their living conditions and they do not have any complaints. A good property manager will be able to keep up with repairs and maintenance on the property, stay on top of rent payments and make sure all utilities are paid as agreed upon. It is important that you find a reputable property manager before you put your home or investment properties on the market. There are many different ways you can go about finding a manager but here are some tips that may help you get started: 1) Ask friends and family members who own rental properties if they know of a good property management company. 2) Search online for Property Managers in your area.