A major breakthrough in Cloud Security that helps Businesses

The benefits of cloud computing are numerous, and the hype surrounding this technology will likely continue to grow. Businesses who start using it today can expect greater efficiency in day-to management of their operations while also enjoying lower costs down the line as they embrace new ways of doing business with increased access.

The demand for cloud security has skyrocketed in recent years as more and more workloads are being moved into public clouds. Research firms predict that this trend will continue, with spending on IT security reaching $68 billion by 2025 even though it is only projected to grow from last year’s numbers which were already record-breaking.

Different tools for protecting Cloud

The cloud computing industry is booming, but it’s not just about the technology. You also have to think of security when using this type of environment because there are so many different tools for managing your posture in a secure manner such as CSPM which helps you identify misconfigurations and other vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by hackers.

The CIEM (cloud infrastructure entitles management) system helps with managing identities and permissions by storing data in one place so you don’t have to worry about losing track of who has access.

CWPPs provide a way to protect your cloud workload by providing an additional layer of security for virtual machines, containers, and serverless functions.

But now, instead of needing to acquire these different tools and find a way to use them all together, the idea is to have one platform to rule them all. CNAPP is the new major breakthrough that can be used to protect the enterprise cloud infrastructure on multiple fronts. Moreover, different CNAPP tools are available in the market which can help you with this goal.

What is CNAPP?

CNAPP offers an end-to-end platform that protects your cloud-native applications from attack by providing you with all the necessary tools.

The CNAPP space is home to some of the most well-funded and established cybersecurity startups in recent memory. 

The cloud has been largely uncharted territory for security. That is until now, as companies have started to recognize the need and benefits that come from moving their data into public or private clouds where they can be administered securely with minimal maintenance effort on behalf of IT teams everywhere.

Challenges in Cloud Security

  1. Data loss:

Cloud computing offers many benefits, but it also comes with risks. Cybercriminals may be able to get access to your sensitive data or personal files if the security of cloud services breaks down which could happen at any time.

  1. Vendor Lock-In:

Vendor lock-in is a huge problem when organizations switch vendors. Different problems can arise for each company that does this, but it’s important to prepare ahead of time so you don’t find yourself overwhelmed with work or worse yet-out on layoffs.

  1. Lack of Cloud Professionals:

Companies that do not have skilled employees will face many problems when it comes to implementing cloud computing. For example, they need more features or rely on another company for help with an extra task which is difficult because there isn’t someone who knows exactly what needs to be done in order for everything to run smoothly and easily.

  1. Attack by Hackers:

In order to protect ourselves from third-party access, it is vital that we maintain the security and privacy of our cloud computing. 

Services like Amazon Web Service provide a public interface for accessing their servers but this also leaves them vulnerable in certain ways. If these providers’ APIs (application program interfaces) can be accessed without permission by hackers then they might exploit your data.