Brand positioning, what it is and how to manage it

To stand out on the market, a brand must focus on characteristics capable of making it unique and immediately recognizable in the eyes of consumers. This is the process that guides the brand positioning strategy

Philip Kotler , in his book ” Principles of marketing ” explains that to simplify the purchasing process , brands trying to fall into certain categories , divided on the basis of a “set of perceptions , impressions and sensations relating to the product compared to the offers of the competition” . For this reason, brands must pay attention to all the aspects that contribute to expressing a datum, an information, a sensation linked to the brand itself. From specific characteristics to communication channels , up to identityof the company, in order to position itself clearly and effectively on the market. Here’s what brand positioning is and how to manage it.

What is brand positioning

Brand positioning can be defined as the brand positioning strategy . Its purpose is to build a unique and coherent image of a particular company in the minds of customers and on the market. A brand positioning is effective if it can make sure that a brand or company is immediately and easily distinguishable from competitors. The position of the brand is expressed through various elements, including the material characteristics of the products, the way in which they are advertised, the planning of the customer experience .

How to identify the most suitable brand positioning

The identification of the different market segments is followed by the actual positioning of the company. The principle is to find the most suitable and consistent location with your business, distinguishing yourself from the competition. Al Ries and Trout themselves explain that “the approach underlying the positioning is not to create something new and different, but to manipulate what is already present in people’s minds”. Basically, it’s about building a new place where it wasn’t there, filling it with valuable content. It is a process that requires analytical skills and creativity at the same time.

The key element: differentiation

How can you differentiate yourself from competitors if you operate in the same sector? In truth, you can even sell the same product , but have a completely different, unique image in the eyes of consumers. The differentiation, as we have anticipated, can in fact concern very different elements. Regarding the material characteristics of a product, there can be differences in terms of quality, duration, aesthetics, style , just to name a few elements . From a service point of view , we can distinguish ourselves by an approachmore or less informal with the customer, a particular attention to assistance or delivery speed.

Then there is the whole vast field of image and values ​​associated with the brand: here opens up a real process of narrating and building a story. As well as the target audience : a biscuit can be associated with a standard family or with alternative young people. It all depends on how it is told. A brand does not necessarily have to differentiate itself in all these aspects . Just choose one and that the positioning and differentiation take place in a clear and clear way.

How to manage the brand positioning

The brand positioning process begins with an analysis phase , the aim of which is to define the constituent elements of the product category . Then we move on to the formulation of the actual positioning strategy . Which consists in the planning of activities capable of inducing a certain perception of the brand by consumers. The work is largely carried out on the formulation of the contents , declined in the different channels available. From social profiles to the website, from physical stores to communication on traditional media. Each elementit must help convey a coherent image and positioning. We must also consider that the brand positioning is never given once and for all . For example, it may be necessary to reposition a brand following changes in the market. Or, create a new positioning from scratch for a product launch that didn’t exist before.

Positioning examples: Red Bull and Dove

Red Bull practically invented the concept of ” energy drink “. The company was able to create a new category , based on an unspoken need of consumers. That is, staying awake and active with a drink. A clear and distinctive positioning . Today the Red Bull brand is known for its unconventional communication and marketing strategies . Red Bull has also been able to pass from a virtual presence to a real one, adding its name to the organization of sporting events .

Dove , a brand of the beauty and cosmetics industry for personal body care, has chosen to differentiate itself by becoming a champion of the universal beauty of women, against a single stereotypical model. The message is addressed to women of all age groups and expresses the importance of believing in one’s beauty and enhancing it. With its products, Dove aims to support “ feeling beautiful as you are ”, because beauty is authentic and unique. He completely deviates from the concept of “making his customers beautiful”. A clear distancing from other competitors who instead emphasize the need to “smooth out” some alleged physical defects.

Happy Reading!!!!

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