Cyber Security in the Telecom Industry – All you need to know

Any business runs on large and multiple types of data sets. However, it’s not so easy to maintain all that data. Losing even a bit of the information could harm your overall business, goodwill, and user experience. Therefore, it becomes very important for business owners to keep their business security robust. While businesses must also regularly check cyber security with the best cyber security testing solutions.  

The telecom industry is vast and involves many players. However, what remains common amongst all is maintaining their quality of services and providing the best user experience for their customers. Telecom service providers have humongous data volumes of their users on which the business functions. Cloud storage providers usually help to manage and store this data and you must maintain tight security around it all. Therefore, telecom service providers must perform regular software testing to ensure a smooth and efficient business workflow. While also providing excellent Quality engineering services, and robust security.  

Importance of cyber security testing in the telecom industry:   

Cyber security testing is a complex and effective process. It helps to find the prevailing security vulnerabilities, gaps, and expected weaknesses that could hamper your telecom business. The testing process is performed by expert QA (quality assurance) professionals. These QA engineers possess the right knowledge, expertise, and experience in cyber security and the telecom industry.  

Cyber security testing practices help telecom business owners to look for all the open gates. These gates could let outsiders breach the data and affect their business efficiency and workflow. In addition, it allows the testing experts to know system’s capabilities for handling a cyber-attack if that transpires in business. While it also allows businesses to follow the regulatory compliances.  

Types of cyber threats for telecom business:  

An attacker always has more than one way to attack your systems. There are multiple attackers around you, and all of them have multiple ways of carrying out cybercrime on your telecom business. Consequently, it is necessary for you to know about all types of attacks that could hamper your business flow and user experience. Software testing helps you test your software for all malicious activities and safeguard your business by filling all security gaps. Here are some of the most common cyber threats to your telecom business:   

  • SIP Hacking- It is one of the major ways of targeting your telecom business. SIP or Session Initiation Protocol hacking is performed over voice over IP (VoIP) communications. The hacker sends malware and attacks the calls, or the VoIP services used.  
  • DoS- In a DOS attack, the hacker directly affects your system. It then completely turns your system off to make it unavailable for your users.  
  • IoT Network Security- Telcos deal with large data sets in their business. Thus, using IoT devices has become a common practice in the telecom industry. With the use of IoT networks and technology, it brings with it its own set of security challenges. The attackers can attack the IoT network directly. And due to its connectivity with all systems, it can directly affect your telecom business.  
  • DNS Attacks– A Domain Name System or DNS attack is a cyber threat that exploits vulnerabilities in your DNS system.  
  • DDoS Attack- Distributed Denial of Service attacks are those in which hackers attack your business servers with fake traffic to prevent users from using your services.  

How do software testing services help telecom maintain cyber security?  

With the emerging 5G networks, telecom providers are becoming more and more advanced with their technical aspects. Introducing the newest and more complex technologies is necessary but also requires thorough telecom testing. Therefore, telecom providers must focus on integrating smart software testing services and solutions for their business. This integration will bring a whole set of long-term benefits to their telecom business. Here are some of the ways in which software testing offers benefits to the telcos:   

  1. Early security checks from SDLC- Cyber security testing is performed in the early stages of development. This allows QA testers to detect the security vulnerabilities at the beginning and prevent them from affecting the systems further. Therefore, security testing your telecom business will help you find all possible security flaws before an attacker can find them.  
  2. Reduced future costs- A single attack on your telecom system could cost you millions. It can directly affect your business workflow, user experience, and breach data. Thus, leading you all the way to spend massive amounts of money on recovering the losses. However, with prior cyber security testing, you can safeguard your business-critical systems. While also saving huge future expenses by designing the right testing strategy based on your business requirements.  
  3. End-to-end protection- Software testing service providers are equipped with the latest technology and expertise to guide you through the best security practices. Thus, the QA professionals provide you with end-to-end protection and risk management from all aspects.  
  4. Follow security regulations- It’s a business responsibility to safeguard customers’ sensitive information and data from getting affected. By integrating cyber security testing, you can focus on fulfilling the security regulatory compliance.  
  5. Gain customer loyalty and trust- For any telecom provider, it is imperative to gain their customers’ trust and loyalty. However, a business whose security game is not strong enough to protect its user experience could cost them its reputation. Therefore, with continuous software testing, you can keep your security tight and maintain an exceptional user experience.  

In the end:   

Advancements and technologies are disruptive to the traditional telecom industry. However, technology must be embraced and integrated into every modern business, following the right practices and strategies.  There has been a considerable rise in cyber-attacks due to the increasing technical integration and more routes available to hackers. Consequently, software testing becomes crucial for businesses to look forward to as a key to safeguarding their business and users. With the guidance of skilled and experienced Automation testing service providers, telecom businesses can keep their security standards high. While also focusing on maintaining their quality of service and delightful customer experience.