Down Syndrome Support services: Making a Difference for Families

Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic disorders, affecting 1 in every 700 babies born in the United States each year. While Down syndrome can affect each child differently, there are several conditions that children with Down syndrome often have in common, such as heart defects, Alzheimer’s and eye problems. In fact, the greatest cause of death for people with Down syndrome is heart disease and stroke caused by a buildup of extra fluid in the lungs and intestines.

What is Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that causes certain physical characteristics in the face of decreased mental faculties. It is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, and typically affects how an individual learns and grows. Down syndrome support services are designed to provide families with education about the disorder, help them get through difficult times and lend support when needed. This can include anything from educating the family about what to expect from their child’s development, to providing resources for parents who want to continue working or looking after their child at home. Down syndrome support services also offer educational events such as workshops or seminars on topics like Down syndrome in adolescence or Down syndrome in adulthood. These events teach caregivers what they can expect as their child gets older and helps them prepare in advance.

What are the symptoms of Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that causes delays in growth and development. People with Down Syndrome may experience learning disabilities and delayed speech, language, and motor skills. Often people with Down syndrome will have characteristic facial features including upslanting eyes, short stature, wide hands and feet, and small ears. Children with Down syndrome can benefit from early intervention programs to help them reach their developmental milestones at an appropriate age. Although there’s no cure for Down syndrome, there are many ways to help children with the disorder cope and thrive in their day-to-day lives.

What causes Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is diagnosed by the doctor looking at the baby’s physical appearance, hearing and heart examination, and checking for birth defects. The doctor also asks about any family history of Down syndrome or other genetic problems. The doctor will order tests to check the child’s chromosomes and to measure levels of certain substances in their blood and urine. If Down syndrome is suspected, amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling can be done to confirm it. These procedures are usually done between 15-20 weeks gestation unless there is a medical reason not to do so.

Down syndrome is not always detected during routine prenatal care because it takes time to make the diagnosis.

How is Down Syndrome diagnosed?

Down syndrome is usually diagnosed in the womb. Prenatal screening can detect Down syndrome during pregnancy, and DNA tests after birth can confirm the diagnosis. Screening tests are not 100% accurate, but they are a good way to find out if you or your partner could be at increased risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. If you’re pregnant and have had prenatal screening, you’ll need to wait until the end of your pregnancy before you know whether your baby has Down syndrome or not.

What are the treatments for Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is caused by an extra copy of the 21st chromosome, which can cause developmental delays and learning disabilities. However, individuals with Down syndrome can lead healthy, independent lives if they are given support from Down syndrome support services. The best way to help individuals with Down syndrome is to provide specialized support that caters to their needs. With early intervention and treatment from sapphiresupport, families can ensure that their child’s future is bright.

What is the prognosis for someone with Down Syndrome?

Sapphiresupport is an organization that provides support to families with Down syndrome children. They are equipped with the knowledge and understanding of what it is like to be the parent of a child living with Down syndrome. They offer support groups, educational programs, resources and outreach to help you on your journey as a parent of a child living with Down syndrome. Other organizations that provide support include The Arc of Northern Virginia, The Arc of Loudoun County, and Parents’ Voices–a coalition against child abuse in Loudoun County.

What are some common misconceptions about Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic disorders, affecting about 1 in 800 people. It’s also the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability in the U.S., according to the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS). People with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome that alters their appearance and causes cognitive delays and learning disabilities, as well as other medical issues. Yet misconceptions abound. People are often under-educated on what Down syndrome actually is, says Dana Tarantino, Executive Director of Sapphires Support Services, which provides education, support and resources to families living with Down syndrome in Central Florida.