Five Tips for Pregnant Women to Overcome snoring

Lady in white smiling

Pregnant women have a lot to worry about — their health, the health of their baby and, of course, their appearance. But snoring is another problem that many pregnant women face.

Snoring is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can be caused by allergies, obesity, and many other factors. If you are pregnant, snoring can be a serious cause for concern because it can affect your unborn baby. If you have ever suffered from snoring during pregnancy then consider these tips to overcome it!

Do all women snore during pregnancy?

Snoring is common in pregnancy, but not every woman snores while they are expecting their first child. If you do feel like you are snoring more than usual in pregnancy then there are some things you can do to help reduce it or stop it altogether.

1. Sleep on your side and elevate your head

To sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees, simply place a medium-sized pillow between both legs while lying flat on your side. It’s important to keep the pillow at its original height and not elevate it higher than that to avoid putting undue pressure on the pelvic area.

If you find that sleeping in this position is not comfortable enough for you, then try adding another pillow under your belly. This will help raise up the lower body parts and thus relieve any discomfort caused by the pressure of an elevated upper body part (i.e., head or arm).

Another option is to use one large rectangular pillow instead of two separate ones. Place this long rectangular object under both arms so as to create a barrier from which they cannot escape while sleeping on their sides—you may also want to place something else underneath them so they don’t slide off onto their backs when attempting to move around during slumber time (something like an extra soft blanket should work well).

2. Avoid fast meals and alcohol before bed

It’s important to eat dinner at least two hours before going to bed. A lot of people tend to eat late at night because they are hungry after dinner or because they tend to feel sleepier after dinner. This can cause issues with snoring during pregnancy as well as cause heartburn and indigestion.

Avoid heavy meals and alcohol before bed. The more you eat, the harder your body has to work to digest the food and process it, which will make you snore. Similarly, drinking alcohol can relax your throat muscles enough to cause snoring. If you must eat before bedtime (or want to have a drink with dinner), choose something light like a salad or an omelet instead of a burger or pizza—and if you must drink before bedtime, limit yourself to one or two drinks at most.

3. Get an air humidifier

Air humidifiers are not just for the winter months when you need to fight off dry skin and static shocks on your hair. They can also be beneficial to pregnant women who are experiencing congestion or dryness from hormonal changes during pregnancy. It not only helps you breathe better at night but also purifies the air so that you don’t wake up with a stuffy head or sore throat. You can use this machine while you sleep by setting it on low or high (depending on how much humidity you want), or if your sinuses are bothering during the day, simply set it in a corner of a room where there is plenty of ventilation so that all of its moisture disperses into the atmosphere rather than collecting around itself like in a closed space like an office building filled with cubicles.

4. Use a mouth guard for sleeping

A simple solution to help reduce snoring is using an oral appliance (mouth guard) that fits over your upper teeth. These devices are sometimes called “snoring mouth guards” or “anti-snoring mouth guards.” Reach out to a good orthodontist near you and ask him to make you a snoring mouth guard. It’s important that this device fits properly so it doesn’t fall out during sleep or cause discomfort when worn all night long. If you’re pregnant and snore, ask your health care provider about this option before trying it on your own.

A mouth guard for sleeping can help keep your jaw relaxed so that it doesn’t fall open when you sleep on your side or back. This will prevent snoring from occurring because your throat muscles aren’t contracting as much as they would otherwise be if the jaw were more open than usual.

5. Exercise regularly

Exercise helps keep your body fit and reduces stress levels which helps you sleep better at night. It also increases blood flow which helps reduce swelling in your body, especially during pregnancy when there is an increase in blood volume due to hormones released during pregnancy. Exercise will help your body deal with the extra weight and reduce stress levels that often lead to snoring. If you’re not used to exercising, start slowly — a brisk walk every day is great for many women.                                       

Will sleeping apart help?

One thing many people try when they’re having trouble sleeping is sleeping in separate beds. This might sound like a good idea, but it could actually make things worse — especially if one partner is a heavier snorer than the other! Try this instead: If one partner moves around too much (which can cause both partners’ breathing to be disturbed), consider buying a mattress cover or using a thin mattress pad underneath your regular mattress for added comfort and support for both partners’ backsides.

When you’re pregnant, many aspects of your life change, including sleep. And snoring is a common side effect of pregnancy that can be incredibly annoying at best, and downright dangerous at worst. These five tips will help you get a better night’s sleep and feel better in every other way: by not stressing about the snoring or the pressure created by it. Thanks for reading!

Happy Reading!!!!
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