Gums Hyperpigmentation

Gingival hyperpigmentation most common cause of gingival hyperpigmentation is melanin, a substance in the cells which causes all people to tan in the sun. Usually, those with naturally darker skin have larger quantities of melanin…not just within the skin, but in their gums as well, resulting in dark, blotchy, or even black color. Those who have dark-colored gums may find themselves self-conscious and unwilling to expose their gums by smiling. But now, there’s a pinkening™ solution: Britegums®, a new dental cosmetic procedure that’s fast, effective, and virtually pain-free.


Gingival hyperpigmentation is the darkening of the gums. People with darker skin tend to have higher levels of pigment in their gums, and those who regularly expose themselves to sunlight may experience this condition more often. Britegums is a pinkening solution that’s fast, effective, and virtually pain-free.

If you’re looking for a solution to darken and discolor your gums, look no further than Britegums®, our latest cosmetic procedure. At Smile Pacific Dental we believe in personalized care, so book an appointment with us to learn more about this brightening solution #brightink

Gingival hyperpigmentation Procedure:

In most cases, the gums do not need to be corrected. However, if you prefer to camouflage your gum lines then this will help you achieve a natural-looking smile.

Britegums® is a new dental cosmetic procedure that’s fast, effective, and practically pain-free. Our technicians use a specialized complicated light-energy technology to break down excess melanin within the gum tissue.

Gingival hyperpigmentation is a common problem that can be difficult to treat in its many different forms. The treatment we offer, Britegums®, utilizes the same technology that many cosmetologists use in their salons, however, it is accomplished by Dr. Barry N. Goldfarb, DDS. Britegums® is fast, effective, and virtually pain-free (virtually without any discomfort.) It can be performed under sedation or local anesthesia so that you can leave the office with your teeth naturally pink in the most comfortable way possible.

The most common cause of gingival hyperpigmentation is melanin, a substance in the cells which causes all people to tan in the sun. Usually, those with naturally darker skin have larger quantities of melanin…not just within the skin, but in their gums as well, resulting in dark, blotchy, or even black color. And while some patients may have naturally darkly pigmented gums due to genetics or aging, many others are receiving treatment because they’ve been having problems with their gums and teeth for years.

Since your teeth and gums mirror each other’s condition it can be hard to tell the extent of the damage until you make dramatic changes. We at Britegums® believe you shouldn’t wait to address these issues – especially when there are effective solutions available like our gentle and effective treatment for uneven pigmentation called Dissolve™. Now you can take back control over your smile with a procedure that lasts only five days and doesn’t require anesthesia!


Your gums are one of the most visible parts of your smile, so it’s important to care for them. If your gums are dark in color, or not as bright as you would like, this could be due to a variety of factors including sun exposure, cigarettes, and even stress. Britegums® is a revolutionary dental cosmetic procedure that has been designed for patients who experience this unpleasant condition — and there are many out there!

When it comes to the health of your smile, it’s important to take care of your dental health and one area often overlooked is the gums. Gingivitis – an inflammation of the gums – can give rise to plaque and build-up that can lead to tooth sensitivity and eventual loss over time. Britegums® Cosmetic Dentistry offers a new approach to improving your oral health with a painless solution that’s fast and effective.