How can you treat Narcissistic Personality Disorder?


In our self-obsessed, celebrity-driven world, the term narcissistic is frequently used to characterize someone who is full of himself. In psychological terms, however, narcissism does not imply self-love—at least not real self-love.

People who have narcissistic personality disorder are more accurately described as being in love with a perfect and splendid picture of oneself. However, maintaining their delusions of grandeur requires a lot of effort, which is where dysfunctional attitudes and actions come into play.

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

It is worth noting that while narcissism is a personality feature, it may also be a symptom of a wider personality problem. Because narcissism is a continuum, not every narcissist has narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). People with narcissistic disorder are on the extreme end of the spectrum, although others with narcissistic characteristics may be on the lower end.

A narcissistic personality disorder can create issues in a variety of aspects of life, including relationships, job, school, and finances. When they are not offered the particular privileges or admiration, they feel they deserve, people with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally sad and disappointed. Others may not enjoy being around them since they find their connections unfulfilling.

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

People with narcissistic personality disorder or the narcissistic personality type are concerned with exaggeratedly favorable self-perceptions. They become too obsessed with receiving favorable, aggrandizing comments from others. And when they achieve or fail to acquire proof that others regard them highly, they respond with strong positive or negative feelings.

Narcissists want favorable feedback about themselves and deliberately manipulate others in order to elicit or compel it. As a result, it is assumed that narcissism is a sort of chronic interpersonal self-esteem control.

Narcissistic abuse victim may have signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Anxiety, depression, hypervigilance, emotional flashbacks that revert a person back to abusive occurrences, and overpowering emotions of worthlessness and powerlessness can all be symptoms of narcissistic abuse.

Even when their conduct is causing them issues, people with narcissistic personality disorder are obstinate about not changing it. They can easily put blame on others for almost everything. Furthermore, they will always respond negatively to even little arguments, and critiques. Because they consider these critiques as personal assaults.

However, it is frequently simpler for the individuals in the narcissist’s life to merely comply with their demands in order to escape the coldness and rages. You can detect narcissists in your life, defend yourself from their power plays, and set better boundaries by learning more about narcissistic personality disorder. The following are the major symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder.

  • Lives in a fantasy that supports their delusions of magnificence

Narcissists live in their own world of fantasy which involves self-deception, distortion, and magical thinking since reality cannot support their magnificent vision of themselves.

Facts and views that contradict their fantasies are ignored to protect them from feelings of inner guilt. So, people around them learn to walk cautiously around their denial of reality.

  • Arrogance

People who engage in narcissistic behavior already believe they are superior to others, so when they do not get the treatment, they believe they deserve, they may become unpleasant or aggressive. They may talk or act brutally toward individuals they believe are inferior, even if they believe themselves to be superior.

  • Needs Excessive Admiration and Praise

A narcissist’s sense of superiority deflates over time without a regular supply of adulation and acknowledgement to keep it inflated. The narcissists want regular nourishment for their egos, they surround themselves with individuals who will satisfy their compulsive need for affirmation.

It is never about what the admirer can do for the narcissist; it is always about what the narcissist can do for the admirer.

Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse is a kind of emotional abuse in which the abuser is mainly concerned with themselves. The abuser may control their partner’s emotional condition and behavior through certain actions.

The effects of narcissistic abuse are minor to severe, with some survivors healing while others suffering long-term consequences. An individual who is a narcissistic abuse victim will also experience stress and depression after dealing with a narcissistic abuser. You may withdraw yourself from games of manipulation and gaslighting, which can aggravate depressive symptoms.

It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what we are experiencing when we are in the midst of an ongoing abuse cycle because abusers are able to twist and turn reality to suit their own needs, and convince their victims that they are the abusers.

How to deal with Narcissistic Disorder?

Navigating a narcissistic relationship may be extremely challenging and unpleasant. Narcissistic people may manipulate and exploit others in their search for power and adoration, causing harm to their self-esteem and even attempting to distort their perception of reality. Trying to reason with a narcissist about their behavior is usually futile.

Establishing boundaries and emotionally separating oneself is a more effective strategy. Recognize that while you are unable to control how you feel for someone, you can manage how you react to them.

Moreover, breaking up with a narcissistic family member, spouse, or boss may be the best. However, it is beneficial to reflect on one’s own attributes in order to prevent such situations in the future.

However, the primary therapy for NPD is long-term counselling. It assists you in gaining a better understanding of your issues and learning what adjustments you can make to:

  • Relationships with people should be good and enjoyable.
  • Have a more realistic outlook on people.
  • Develop a positive sense of self-worth.

Professional psychotherapists often recommend certain medications to alleviate symptoms like stress, sadness, and anxiety. Talk therapy can assist a person with NPD in better understanding their behaviors and thoughts. A person with NPD can benefit from talk therapy if they want to:

  • Accept and sustain interpersonal ties, particularly those with coworkers
  • Recognize their own advantages and disadvantages
  • Create more attainable objectives
  • Accept criticism and setbacks as they come

Another important therapy for treating narcissistic personality disorder is schema therapy.

This treatment is a type of integrative therapy. It combines psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The primary goal is to assist you in identifying and comprehending problematic habits and coping strategies to deal with those behaviors.

You can learn to adjust these maladaptive schemas after identifying them. You will learn new strategies to address your emotional needs and modify your conduct toward others as you practice.

Happy Reading!!!!

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