Small businesses are busy. And that’s good news because running a small business is challenging enough without worrying about keeping your expenses in check. It can be expensive to market your business online. How much do small businesses spend on digital marketing? The answer is not very much. If you’re starting with social media and blog marketing with a digital marketing agency in Dehradun, you may think that keeping your accounts visible and posts ranking high on search engines will cost money. However, little or no budget takes away the fun part and turns it into work. If you’re an experienced marketer looking to expand your company’s online presence, you might be wondering how much it costs to advertise your business? Do not panic – we’ve got some excellent news for you!
Put, start-ups, and SMEs do not spend much money on digital marketing. According to Similarweb data, US small businesses spend an average of $2,500 per year on digital marketing. This makes it one of the cheapest ways for businesses of all sizes to advertise their products and services – period!
What Can Small Businesses Spend on Digital Marketing?
When starting digital marketing, you may wonder what you can spend your money on. You have plenty of options, most of which will not cost you a single cent. Many online tools and services can help you create great digital marketing content. You can also hire a professional Advertising agency in Dehradun to help you with this. Here are just a few of the tools and services that can help you save money on digital marketing:
How Old Is Your Website?
A website that is newer than six months will cost you around $200 each year your business is in operation. However, as your website ages, the cost of running advertisements will increase. You can avoid this by purchasing your hosting package with a high level of security – you can count on it to last a long time.
What Platforms Are Best For Digital Marketing?
Many different platforms can be used for digital marketing. However, the most popular ones are:
- Google (Google, Bing, and other search engines)
- StumbleUpon
Approximately 60% of all internet users visit a website at least once weekly. If you want to reach these internet users, your website is one of the most important things on that page.
How Much Does Small Businesses Spend on Digital Marketing?
Now that we’ve laid out some basics let’s get into how much small businesses spend on Digital Marketing. The average small business spends only $2,500 per year on digital marketing, which equates to $48 per month. This equates to just under 1% of the total retail sales that small businesses experience in a year. If you compare this amount to the $6.76 billion that the United States dollar was worth in 2016, you will see that it is very reasonable to spend on digital marketing.
How Much Does Small Business Advertising Cost?
As noted above, the average small business does not spend very much on digital marketing. This means that the majority of your budget can be used for ads that do work. That being said, you can’t ignore digital marketing. If you do not invest a small amount of money into it, the return on your investment will be meager. Studies have shown that a 20% increase in online sales results in a 2% increase in average customer satisfaction. Pushing sales even one more time could see that number rise by a substantially higher percentage.
How to Create Effective Digital Marketing Content
One of the most significant expenses that a small business has is content. You’re probably thinking, “Great, more content! We love content!” But, that’s not the case for small businesses. Many start-ups invest a large amount of money into their digital presence but don’t have the necessary content to attract internet customers. There is a chance that you have landmines in this area. Perhaps you have great ideas for blog posts and videos, but no one knows about them yet. You’re probably thinking, “What the heck do I do now?”. Do not worry – we have you covered. Here are some tips on how to create compelling digital marketing content:
Create a Vision
Who are you, and what do you want to achieve? This may sound simple, but it’s the first step to success. It will be tough to build a following and grow your business if you don’t have a clear idea of who you are and what you want to do.
Define Your Market
What are your competitors doing and why? Getting caught up in your ideas is easy, and the competition may have a considerable advantage, but the market has to be defined first.
Research Your Topic
What are the main points that your readers/customers should know? Search engine optimization (SEO) involves more than just putting a few links in your articles. You must build authority by providing valuable content to your readers/viewers.
Don’t Be Stuck In The Middle.
Don’t Overthink It! As with any business or creative project, start with a simple idea until you get the hang of it. Then, add more complexity as you gain more experience.
Bottom line
Creating some valuable content is the best way to start putting some money back into your business. You can do this by reading blog posts, watching videos, or searching online for articles that interest you. The best way to get started is to start with your blog. To gain readers, you need to provide valuable content. And the best way to do that is by reading the posts on this page.
That’s all there is to it! Now you know how much small businesses spend on digital marketing.