How to Decorate Your Christmas Tree

Christmas tree decorations Christmas Tree decorating tips

Research from the American Christmas Tree Association suggests that over 94 million families in America put up a Christmas tree in 2021. Thus, Christmas tree decorating is one of the most universal holiday experiences.

The holiday season is full of vibrancy and excitement, and one of the season’s highlights is donning the Christmas tree. While many of the techniques for decorating a Christmas tree are fairly intuitive, there are methods you can use to guarantee your Christmas tree will stand out and look like it belongs in a home decorating magazine. You don’t need to be a professional decorator to have a tree that looks like it was decorated by a professional.

Make a Plan

Making a plan about how you want your live Christmas tree to look can guide your decorating decisions and ensure your Christmas tree looks gorgeous. Most professional trees use a theme that makes all the decorations feel cohesive. This theme can be anything you enjoy. You can choose a color theme, types of ornaments, or choose a special interest.

Having a theme doesn’t mean that your tree can’t also have character. For example, hand-blown ornaments share a stylistic look, but they also can be in a variety of fun shapes and sizes. Alternatively, you could choose a non-traditional theme that expresses your personality. Whatever your theme, it can be as traditional or non-traditional as you want it to be, but it should be a theme that you’re excited about, not just something you think would look good.

You’ll want to choose Christmas tree decorations that match your theme, and this doesn’t mean just choosing theme-based ornaments. To make the tree look as dazzling as possible, you’ll also want to match your add-ins, tree skirt or collar, garland, and anything else you have on the tree. Even your lights should reflect the spirit of your theme. For example, multi-color lights may not fit if you are choosing a gold theme.

Prepare your Tree

The first step of tree decorating is getting your tree ready. This means cutting off the bottom inch of the trunk if you can, putting the tree in the stand with water, and snipping any branches as you see fit. These preparations set your tree up for a healthy holiday season.

Put on Your Lights

Before you can put on the ornaments, you have to add the lights to your tree. Make sure you evenly disperse the lights throughout the trees, so there are no gaps.

Put on Your Ornaments

Now it’s time to get those ornaments on. This is the fun part, so don’t rush the process and pay attention to where you’re placing the ornaments. Try to use different-sized and different-colored ornaments next to each other to create visual variation.

Use Sections When Decorating

Many experts suggest that you should split your tree into three sections: the top, middle, and bottom. Start from the top and work your way down from there. These sections can help you make sure that you consistently add decorations and don’t miss spots.

Use Different Sized and Shaped Ornaments

You don’t want to use just one size ornament because doing so doesn’t create the visual differences that a tree requires. When you use various sizes of ornaments, you crate depth for your tree, so the decorations really pop. You can nestle the large ornaments deeper in the tree and then dangle the smaller ones in front of the branches. Having large and small ornaments really takes your tree to the next level.

Incorporate Add-Ins

Add-ins like picks and bows are great options for a tree because they create more visual variation while still being on theme with your tree. You can use ribbon both as a separate add-in, or you could use it as a garland. When using add-ins, you’ll want to distribute them consistently through the tree.

Put on the Perfect Tree Topper

The tree topper is a special part of every tree, and there are so many choices you can choose from for toppers. Some people are team angel, while other people are team star, but there are also many other toppers. For example, you can add a big bow to the top of your tree or get more unconventional tree toppers that can match your theme. Some toppers light up, some don’t, but all tree toppers have a huge impact on the look of your tree.

Decide Between a Skirt or a Collar

Skirts and collars are a great way to finish off the bottom of your tree and cover your tree stand, which can leave your tree looking unfinished. Again, choose based on your theme. You’ll want to keep in mind that real trees require continued watering, and some skirts and collars may make it harder to water your tree.

When Should I Add Garland?

The order you put the garland on the tree is somewhat flexible. Some people like to put garlands on before the ornaments, while other people like to wait to the end to add the garlands because they prefer the drape of their garlands when added at the end.

You should keep in mind that while you can put garlands on last, it is usually easier to put them on in the beginning because you don’t have to worry about knocking your decorations off the tree, and it can be hard to work around all the decorations, but if you are willing to put in some extra effort and patience, adding garlands last can also look stunning.

Create Traditions

Having holiday traditions around decorating the tree can help your tree become more special. One example of a tradition is a pickle on the tree. In many families, one member will hide a pickle ornament on the tree, and the rest of the family has to try to find the picture. Whoever finds the pickle gets a bonus present on Christmas. The tradition can be anything you want, and there are probably traditions that have been passed down from your family that you can continue to use.

Don’t Be Afraid to Break the Rules

While these guidelines give you an idea of how to decorate your tree, it’s okay to break the rules as you see fit. For example, if you have kids, decorating the tree from top to bottom is not practical, and it will create better memories when you let the kids decorate the tree freely rather than telling them where to put each ornament! Tree decorating is about connecting and celebrating the season, so always put that mentality first.