How To Fake A Fever?

How To Fake A Fever?

Fever is a state of altered body temperature that can be caused by various reasons, such as the body’s reaction to an infection or the consequence of a cold. Generally, a normal body temperature is considered to be around 36.5ºC. We talk about real fever when the temperature rises above 37.5 ºC. As unpleasant as it is to get sick, sometimes you need to have a little fever or a slight rise in temperature. In this article, we will explain how to fake a fever quickly not to go to school or the workplace..

How to fake a fever? Methods

Rub the tobacco under your armpits

The simplest method of getting a fever is quite old, and is to rub tobacco under your armpits or hold it under your armpits overnight. There is no scientific evidence to prove that it is a 100% foolproof method, however it is a fairly popular method that was used even in the days of our grandparents. Another way to use tobacco is to chew it or put it under the tongue for about an hour.

Keep in mind that if you opt for this solution to have a fever, the tobacco needs a few hours to take effect.

Shower and cold air

One way to fake a fever, but which can lead to a longer hospital stay, is to get out of the shower and stand in front of a heater that also gives off cold air or the jet of cold air conditioning. In this way, fever, cold, sore throat and related ailments will come and you will probably also need to find out how to make them go away.

Bar of soap in the armpits

There are those who say that to fake a fever is a well known method and, like that of tobacco, used for some time, is to put a bar of soap under the armpits. In fact, in this way, we are going to interfere with our body temperature in a point of the body that is always very hot by putting an object that will instead help to keep the area cold. If you want, you can replace the soap with something else that stays cold. For example, you can try with ice, even if this solution will wet your entire bed. Sleeping with two bars of soap under your armpits should be enough to wake up and fake a fever.

Toothpaste in the lower lip

How to fake a fever  with toothpaste? Put some toothpaste on the inside of the lower lip and keep it there for a few minutes, repeat the operation 3/4 times. You will notice a rise in temperature when you measure the fever.

Find alternative solutions

Remember that all these methods of getting a fever are not scientifically tested, they are not good for your health and above all nothing guarantees you will give you a fever 100%. Health is not messed with, so we recommend that you look for alternative excuses to fever to solve the situation you wanted to avoid by making it come, for example by pretending to have it, read on to find out how!

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How to fake a fever? How to pretend it?

How To Fake A Fever?

Sometimes it is not necessary to get a fever materially, but you can pretend to have it and it has happened or will happen to you, for various reasons, to try to increase your body temperature or to pretend to be feverish, read carefully the tricks you provide!

Hot water bottle on the forehead

To do this, put the hot-water bottle on your forehead, so when they touch them it will be hot. As for the thermometer, look for the nearest heat source and place the end of the thermometer on it that is used to measure the fever. If you don’t have a radiator, lamp, or other heat source at hand, pretend you’re shivering and have a hot drink brought or make yourself a hot drink where you can soak the thermometer until it reaches the temperature you want.

Consume hot foods

In addition, covering up with any type of winter clothes or consuming very hot foods, whether they are infusions, broths, soups or stews, helps to raise your body temperature and it will be easy for you to pretend that you have a fever. Foods rich in vitamin B have been shown to increase body temperature the most, so consume them.

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How to fake a fever? Tricks with the thermometer

The thermometer is the tool that we routinely use to measure body temperature reliably. If you have wondered what can be done to increase the degrees indicated by the thermometer and quickly simulate a fever, read the following tricks:

  • An easy way to get the thermometer to give a higher result is to rub the tip with your fingers as quickly as possible. By doing so, in fact, it will heat up and reach the temperature you want.
  • If you have a heat source nearby, however, you just need to bring the thermometer closer to it for a second. However, check that the reported temperature does not reach too high levels, otherwise it will not be credible.
  • The classic trick to increase it quickly is to take advantage of the heat that a light bulb generates. Bring the thermometer close to it and wait a few seconds, until you see a temperature of about 38 or 39 ºC.
  • If it’s mercury, then just wet it with very hot water.

In addition, fever manifests itself through some symptoms such as chills, coldness, headache, muscle aches and widespread malaise. Therefore, don’t forget if, in addition to increasing your body temperature, you want to give the impression of feeling really bad.

“How to fake a fever” article is purely informative, in ONE HOW we do not have the right to prescribe any treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We encourage you to go to the doctor if you have any kind of discomfort.

If you want to read similar articles to how to fake a fever, we recommend you visit our health category.

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