How to lovingly calm one year old baby tantrums

Baby tantrums

Two-year-olds are often the first to be mentioned when we speak of tantrums in children. This is also known as the adolescence or two-year-old syndrome.

This behavior, in which your child shouts kicks, or hits himself with his fists, is not something that has ever happened before. We will be focusing on learning more about tantrums in one-year-olds and how to calm them (always with love).

As if we were dealing with a tantrum from an older baby, at the age of one year, what works is calm and tranquility, respect and distractions. You may also want to know how to deal with 3 year old tantrums.

A one-year-old baby communicates with you through crying

You know that your baby is communicating with you when he cries. He doesn’t speak English yet so he uses crying. The expression on his face will tell you that he feels uneasy, hungry, and wants to be held.

As they enter their first year of adulthood, these basic needs are often augmented by their desires and tastes. You will soon notice that your child is expressing anger and frustration, just like anger. Yes, it is! This is his very first tantrum!

They didn’t last until they were at least two years old. It’s not true. Some little ones have tantrums and go through them as if nothing ever happened. On the other side, there are others who, even though they are well-behaved, become experts at exposing their loved one’s potatoes.

Tantrums in one-year-olds are normal

We must emphasize that a child of any age does not seek to manipulate adults. A study explains that it is about expressing anger at the moment and achieving your desires, no matter what size. be. He doesn’t know how to express his feelings.

These tantrums are normal at this age and they should not be feared. Your son is asking for something. You want to cuddle him, give him a toy, leave him on the ground, and give him a stuffed pet. He screams and cries because he doesn’t have any other options.

If the tantrum occurs while you’re shopping at the supermarket or you’re trying to hurry, or you’re just in the mood to talk to other parents, it’s okay not to panic.

Face your childhood tantrums head-on, and be calm and kind.

If you’ve had a conversation with a mother of a slightly older child about your son’s tantrums, she will likely have advised you to try to anticipate them. Babies can become unpredictable when they feel tired or hungry. This is a tantrum.

Another great tip: act calm and tranquil. Bad humor can be contagious. If your child is upset and you allow yourself to be influenced by this feeling, you’ll end up just as angry as he is. Your child might end up blending crying and spontaneous laughter if you gather all of your calm.

Before we move on to the next section, here’s another tip: distract the child as much as you like. For example, offer your favorite toy and tell him to look at the birds flying. Or encourage him to walk a few steps. Your brain will focus on this and stop focusing on the tantrum.

Talk to your one-year-olds once the tantrum has subsided

Although I am sure this phrase is controversial, I can tell you that talking to my son and giving him what he wants is not a bad thing.

It won’t help if you talk to your 1-year-old when he’s still crying. When he is calm, you can say two to three sentences such as this: “Are you feeling better?” ‘, Are you mad that I didn’t give you the toy? ‘, Are you angry because I didn’t give you the toy?’ You will create a wonderful space for dialogue that will help you develop your emotional intelligence as your baby grows.

If you’re okay with indulgent behavior, it shouldn’t affect the home’s values, then go for it! It’s okay! No problem!

These tips are in addition to what we’ve already mentioned.

  1. Love should be unconditional, even in times of tantrums.
  2. Hugging him, or at the very least offering it, may be the best way to go.
  3. If he wants, he can have his own space.
  4. Always follow the example. Your tantrums are a problem that you must control. You are your son’s mirror.
  5. This is just one more stage of their childhood. It will pass and they will soon be able to manage their emotions better.
Happy Reading!!!!

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