Identifying And Repairing Asphalt: Types Of Pavement Damage

Identifying And Repairing Asphalt: Types Of Pavement Damage

Asphalt is the most popular material for paver surfaces due to the fact that it’s durable, cost-effective, and simple to maintain. But, even with routine cleaning, surfaces made of asphalt could be affected by a range of problems that could affect their appearance and integrity.

Your asphalt will be used a lot regularly, and regular maintenance will make to prolong its life, which will make your property more secure and more valuable. Conducting regular inspections of your asphalt and fixing cracks, divots, or rutting will greatly increase the lifespan of your pavement. When asphalt roads, driveways, or parking spaces, as well as trails, are well maintained they can last a long lifespan between 15 to 20 years. If they aren’t well maintained and maintained, the surface can begin to degrade in the space of about 3 or 5 years and will be visible. 

The problems your asphalt is likely to confront will differ based according to your location, the weather conditions, the subbase underneath your property, as well as a number of other factors. It is important to identify issues early and get the repairs done promptly can save you lots of time and cost. We’ve put together some of the most common kinds of damage to the pavement to help you get an understanding of what to look for and what you can do to repair it. You can check out how Coast Pave Asphalt deals with it for example.

Here is the list of Types Of Pavement Damage


Very prevalent kinds of damage asphalt surfaces are subject to is cracking. There are many types of cracks that could develop, including long-term cracks that are transverse in nature, transverse cracks, and alligator cracks.

  • Transverse cracks run perpendicular to the edge of the pavement. They typically result from extreme temperatures or loads.
  • Longitudinal cracks extend along the same direction as the rest of the roadway. They typically result from the shrinkage of the pavement and poor building.
  • The Alligator Cracks which are also known as fatigue cracks are made up of a series of interconnected cracks which resemble the skin of an alligator. These cracks result from the pavement’s inability to stand up to the pressure of constant usage.

For repairing holes in the asphalt surface, the initial step is to remove the crack with wire brushes or another tool. The crack must then be filled by using a crack filler that can be used with trowels or a caulking gun. It is crucial to ensure there is a uniform distribution of the filler, and that it fills completely the crack.


Potholes are a different problem that can develop when the asphalt is used. Potholes develop as water seeps into pavement, and it is then frozen and expands which causes the surface to crack and split. Potholes may also be caused due to the weight of large vehicles, or due to the pavement’s surface being too thin. 

To fix potholes, the initial steps are to eliminate any debris that is loose of the region. Then, the hole should be filled in with cold-patch material that is mixed asphalt that is easily applied with trowels or shovels. The cold patch should be compacted so that it stays in the correct position.

And if it’s too complicated, you can contact for help.


Raveling is a type of damage that takes place as the concrete surface starts to crack and fall apart. This is caused by a range of causes, such as wear and tear and poor construction or any oil, or pollutants over the top.

To fix the raveling the area affected must be cleaned, and then filled with hot mix asphalt. The material is laid out as layers with every being compacted in order to provide an even and smooth surface.

Edge damage

Damage to the edges is one kind of damage that happens on the edges of the pavement. It’s usually caused by water infiltration or the burden of vehicles that are heavy.

To repair damage caused by edges The initial step should be to clear any debris, debris or damaged materials off the surface. Then, the edge needs to be cut back to form a solid and unaffected region with a saw or similar device. The area that has been repaired should be filled with hot mix asphalt material and then compacted.

In the end, there are many types of damage to the pavement that could be seen on asphalt surfaces including potholes, cracks edge damage, and raveling. When you are able to identify and repair these problems, you will aid in maintaining the integrity as well as the appearance of the asphalt surface and prolong their life span.

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