JRMSU ARMS ONLINE – Best Student Portal



JRMSU is the title of Jose Rizal Memorial State College which is located within the Government. Guading Adaza St., Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City, Philippines. Jose Rizal Memorial State University was established in accordance with the RA 199852, which also included Congresswoman Cecilia G. Jalosjos-Carreon being the principal congressman Cesar Jalosjos, who was the co-author. The President signed the legislation by Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on December 15 on the 15th day of December in 2009.


A diverse and dynamic internationally recognized university.

A vibrant, inclusive and regionally diverse University located in Southern Philippines


Jose Rizal Memorial State University promises to provide efficient and efficient research services as well as instruction and extension.

It’s dedicated to providing the most up-to-date technological, professional and technical training that produces highly skilled, creative and self-renewing students.


– Globally competitive institution

– Resilient to external and internal risks and dangers;

– Innovative techniques and solutions for research and extension that are translated into engagements.

P – Partnership and partnerships with private companies as well as other HEIs and government agencies and alumni;

S – Sound financial management and participative governance.


Jose Rizal Memorial State University believes in continual human growth quality, high-end, and top-quality service. It offers its students top-quality educational and professional training. It will offer appropriate suitable, pertinent, and appropriate services and resources and an ongoing quality management system to ensure the its clients’ satisfaction by implementing an efficient and effective process of quality control that is in line to international and national laws and regulatory requirements.


We, the official and staff of Jose Rizal Memorials State University we, the employees and officials of the Jose Rizal Memorials State University, agree to

D – Deal our clients, with respect and compassion all day, from 8:00 am until 5 pm, every day.

E – Execute the specific tasks inherent to our position and office in a manner that is honest, fair integrity, and effectiveness;

L – Listen to each client’s requests, comments or suggestions and reply to them quickly and in a positive manner to ensure satisfaction of the client;

I – Inform clients about the process or procedure to follow when using our services, thus reducing the time required to complete transactions;

V – Value high degree of honesty and fairness, reflected through our day-to-day work and denying any room for corruption and graft within the organization;

E – Epitomize for all the characteristics of a competent and efficient public servant.

R – Rectify us immediately of any failure or inadequacy of the services we offer via our Feedback as well as Redress Mechanisms.


JRMSU is a student portal for Jose Rizal Memorial State University. ARM stands that stands for Academic Records Management System. The Student portal is accessible only to registered users who have entered their ID Number and password. You also need to choose of the campus’ name and your status as a student. This is whether you’re an ongoing or shiftee or a transferee / new or Returnee. The site also offers suggestions for establishing passwords.

Additionally, if you want to explore other options on the website, JRMSU ARMS Online Student portal has the option of resetting passwords and ID Number Retriever.

JRMSU ARMS ONLINE provides complete download forms to Jose Rizal Memorial State University such as application for Alumni membership form for Graduation Form Prospectus Bachelor Of Arts In English Language Studies Prospectus Bachelor Of Studies in Politics and Arts Prospectus Bachelor Of Cultural Arts Education Prospectus-Bachelor of early childhood education.

Developed By

This website has something distinctive to be said about it. This website was designed by a student at the institute known as Nyl Lasco. Nyl Lasco (N) is an independent worker who is also a resident of Dapitan City.


The report’s conclusion could be read in the sense that Jose Rizal Memorial State University was able to maintain the academic record of its students. In addition, according to JRMSU website, the school existed prior being appointed by the Dr. Balbuena; however, after his appointment as the Dr. Balbuena, the College began a new course. It took only 3 years, 9 months to the College to transform into an institution under his direction. The growth of the university is a constant dedication to academic excellence and research excellence, as well as quality, community involvement, and collaboration for development of the nation and international competitiveness.