Linux VPS and Windows VPS – Which is the better option?

A physical server is virtually divided into independent parts to form a virtual private server which is then assigned to different businesses and websites. The main advantage of using a VPS is its performance, security, ease of use, and technical support. It offers root access to the OS for customers to select their chosen software.

Virtual Private Server is the perfect blend of shared hosting and dedicated hosting. So you get to enjoy the benefits of both at an economical cost. However, if you are confused about whether to choose Windows VPS or Linux VPS hosting, this article can shed light on some of the important aspects to ensure you make the right choice.

  • Price

The price is one of the most important factors to consider while choosing your VPS server as it could have a huge effect on your budget. Linux offers the majority of its applications for free and there are no fees that have to be paid on a yearly basis as well. Microsoft, alternatively, needs you to buy a license. You are required to shell out money for the OS you choose for your VPS along with the other apps you utilise. Keeping this in mind, Linux hosting is the better option in this regard.

  • Performance

The main elements you need to consider are the stability and speed you get from both Linux and Windows VPS hosting before you make your choice. You need the fastest speed and best performance from your operating system of course. This can have a huge impact on the performance of your website and the user experience you offer your clients to boost conversion rates.

Linux VPS and Windows VPS server offer brilliant performance, Linux VPS is easier on the RAM as it has a command line interface. On the other hand, a graphical user interface is what Windows uses which is heavier on the RAM. Linux is offers better stability of the two. Windows has just as much focus on maximising performance, but it requires huge amounts of resources to achieve the same amount of stability. It also has a detrimental effect on the cost as well.

  • Security

The safety of your apps takes the topmost priority when it comes to choosing a web hosting service. Unfortunately, Windows finds itself falling victim to hacking quite often. While there are attacks launched on Linux security as well, it is harder to crack as it was built by prioritising security and its standards are maintained accordingly as well. Linux might be the preferred option if you’re looking for advanced security and your needs are compatible with the Linux OS.

To maintain an impenetrable security system apt configuration and regular patches are crucial to safeguard your operating system. You could always go for managed Linux VPS hosting if you do not possess the skill or knowledge to maintain advanced security. Going for Windows VPS is also an option you could explore by boosting its security using additional software.

  • Easy to utilise

Windows VPS hosting is easier to use with its renowned graphical user interface. It is much simpler to handle as compared to its Linux alternative, even if you attach additional management tools to the latter. Hence choosing the operating system should be highly dependent on the kind of users that will deal with it and the level of knowledge and expertise they hold. Windows is the clear winner when it comes to picking the easier option.

  • Technical support

Regardless of the amount of knowledge and expertise your team holds, technical assistance is needed at some point in time by us all to ensure the operating system functions smoothly. While the help you require might not be huge, even something minor could have the potential to turn into a huge problem if left unresolved. So it is better to get the help you require and patch the issue from an experienced technical support team.

Linux has a huge team of experienced experts who are proficient in dealing with all the problems you might encounter and come up with the perfect solution. Unfortunately, this is a service that is not compulsory and can take a long time to resolve your issues. Since Windows expects you to pay for its services, its technical support is more responsive and does not expect you to wait for a longer time to guarantee resolution. Hence, when it comes to technical support, Windows VPS hosting is the one who will offer you better technical support services.

  • Conclusion

Linux VPS and Windows VPS hosting both has its unique set of advantages and disadvantages. This blog helps put things in perspective by comparing the two in every aspect. Hopefully, this sheds light on the elements that are important to your operation to help you choose the best one of the two most compatible with your business.

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