Pregnancy and travel without risk?

Pregnancy and travel without risk

Even pregnant, the future mother needs to move around. If you take the necessary precautions, like as tightening your seat belt to prevent significant injury to the mom and the unborn, travelling while pregnant is safe.

Car and seat belt—Pregnancy and travel without risk

Travelling by car during pregnancy is not a problem as long as you don’t make too many or too long excursions.

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The severity of a car accident or injury is increased when there is a strong impact and a harsh deceleration. The hazards can be immediate or delayed; a prompt normal examination does not preclude the possibility of later sequelae, but it does give one reason to feel relieved.

It is formally advised to drive slowly and to always use seat belts, front and back.

Studies show that pregnant women who buckle up significantly lower their baby’s chance of dying in utero or suffering severe injuries in a crash. Seat belts are safe for the fetus, contrary to popular belief. However, the belt must be properly positioned; it must pass both above and below the round belly of the mom.

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Through the mechanism of quick and unexpected deceleration, accidents on public roads—especially those that occur at high speeds and without a seat belt—cause 1.3 times more complications than assaults or falls. The most dangerous consequences for the fetus are retroplacental hematoma and uterine rupture.

Pregnancy and travel without risk

Mild accidents are most often devoid of side effects, but serious complications can occur even after moderate trauma – or perceived as such – justifying the usual monitoring, reservations and medical caution.

Pregnancy and travel without risk

Two wheels

Two-wheeled vehicles also expose people to severe trauma, even at low speed.

The plane

As a general rule, air travel is accepted up to 34 SA, but it is best to contact the airline before departure. Wear compression stockings during the flight, especially long haul. Ask for a seat on the aisle side to be able to walk around more easily. Remember to drink water regularly.

The train

This is the most suitable means of transport.

Happy Reading!!!!
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