Purple Gums? What Causes This Unusual Discoloration – And How to Treat it!

Purple gums are an unfortunately common dental condition and one that can distract from a beautiful smile. However, if you have purple gums and are embarrassed to show your teeth, there’s good news! This article will cover the causes of purple gums, as well as some natural remedies to help you get rid of purple gums and restore your smile to its normal color.

What causes purple gums?

Gum disease is the most common cause of purple gums. When plaque builds up on your teeth, bacteria can get in under your gumline and attack the tissues. The infection will cause swelling, redness, and a purple tinge on your gums. You may not even notice that you have gum disease until you notice a change in the color of your gums.
The good news is that treatment for gum disease is easy and effective: regular visits with your dentist or hygienist for cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants (to help protect teeth from decay), and antibiotics if necessary. We also recommend daily brushing with toothpaste and flossing for two minutes twice a day for the prevention of plaque buildup.

Is it dangerous?

It’s not dangerous, but you will want to do something about your purple gums. The color is caused by a buildup of bacteria and mucus in the pockets around your teeth. It can also be caused by smoking or certain medications that are taken. In any event, you should clean your teeth and brush them more often. Your dentist may recommend mouthwash or prescription drugs as well as laser therapy. If the purple color persists, talk with your dentist about further treatment options including surgery.


Multifocal Pigmentation

Treatment options:

If you have purple gums, the cause could be anything from a toothbrush habit that’s too vigorous, or too infrequent brushing, or just dry mouth. Your dentist will be able to diagnose your condition and prescribe treatment accordingly. In the meantime, try doing these things: Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled brush, like Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening Toothpaste. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and avoid chewing tobacco or smoking cigarettes.

Brush your tongue with a tongue cleaner before you brush your teeth in the morning and at night so that you can prevent bacteria buildup on your tongue which causes bad breath. Drinking warm water each morning and evening can also help reduce bacteria and produce more saliva which helps clean your mouth. Rinse out your mouth after meals to remove food particles from your teeth as well as residue from sugars found in drinks like soda, sports drinks, and iced tea that may promote cavity formation. Ask for advice about additional treatments if necessary; there are many ways for treating purple gums, but remember that prevention is always best!


The most common cause of purple gums is vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is the substance that gives blood its red color, so if you’re not getting enough vitamin C from your diet, then the white blood cells in your gums may turn a purplish-red color. To treat this problem, increase your intake of vitamin-C-rich foods like oranges and kiwi. You can also take a daily multivitamin that contains at least 100% of the recommended daily value for vitamin C. Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and maintain good gum health.