Roadget Business PTE. LTD

Roadget Business

In some countries, the Roadget business Pte. Ltd. trademark is protected Dallas Business Journal. If you think that you are the owner of this trademark, you can contact the Singapore Intellectual Property Office. They can help you file your trademark application. They will also help you determine if your business name has already been registered. Read on to learn more about how to file your trademark application. Then, you can start focusing on your business. We wish you luck!

Roadget business PTE. LTD.

Singapore-based company Roadget Business PTE. LTD. owns the SHEIN trademark. The trademark is used to identify a product or service that the company provides. The company is only authorized to act in its capacity as the trademark owner. It is not a competitor. However, it is worth noting that a trademark owner may have rights to restrict its use. The company’s trademarks are protected by international laws.

The Company is a PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES and was incorporated in Singapore on 22 Nov 2019. The company is headquartered at SUNTEC TOWER ONE. The company’s paid-up capital is SGD 8,500,000. It has an UEN of 201939698G. The company’s Terms of Service govern the use of the Services. If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Service, please contact us through our contact form.

Roadget business SHEIN trademark

The Roadget business operates an online platform where it sells a range of goods in various categories. It also owns the trademarks for Shein. It acquired the trademarks from Hong Kong-based Zoetop Business Co. Ltd., which had been embroiled in a series of intellectual property disputes with international brands. Roadget has offices in Hong Kong and Singapore. Its contact details are provided on its website, which also displays a contact form. It is best to avoid providing your personal details on this website, unless you really have to.

SHEIN is a registered trademark in the United States. The trademark covers a variety of products and services, including on-line retail stores. The trademark has been used worldwide and has been registered in over 30 countries. This makes it a very well-known mark in the Asian market. Its usage is growing rapidly across the globe. This trademark was filed in April 2011 and continues to enjoy widespread recognition. Its owners aim to continue using it as long as possible.

The SHEIN trademark belongs to Roadget Business Pte. Ltd., which is based in Singapore. The company is the sole owner of the SHEIN trademark. It is important to note that all of its trademarks belong to the Company, and that you must comply with its requirements. In addition, you should avoid copyright issues when using the SHEIN trademark. It is not wise to copy other people’s content or copyrights.

Beware of Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. and its affiliated companies. These companies may be infringing on your intellectual property rights and trademarks. If you find your brand is being used without your permission, you may have to file multiple trademark applications to avoid this problem. To avoid this, ensure that your Roadget business SHEIN trademark is being used correctly. If it is already being used by another company, do not use it in a way that harms the competitor.

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