Steps to Do TP Link Extender Firmware Update

Do you think your TP Link extender is not delivering the best performance? Facing some issues with your extender? In that case, why don’t you go for the TP Link firmware update? That’s right! It is one of the best ways to update the existing settings of your TP Link extender.

So, without wasting any time, let’s get through the following points and know how to do the extender firmware update. With that being said, make sure you don’t miss out on any single point. Otherwise, you might face issues while doing the TP Link extender firmware update. Keep reading.

How to Do TP Link Firmware Upgrade

Open Web Browser

First, you need to open a web browser. You can open it on a computer or a laptop. Make sure it is up to date and is running smoothly on the device you are opening it.

Download the Latest Firmware Version

Once the web browser opens, you need to download the latest firmware version. To do that, you should enter the TP Link extender model name and number in the search bar. Download the latest file which is compatible with your extender.

Extract File

Save the file on the local drive of your computer. It should be placed where you can easily access the file. If needed, you can also use a compressing tool to compress the downloaded file.

Turn on Extender

Plugin the extender into the power outlet. Make sure the LED lights on the TP Link are stable. It indicates that the extender is getting a stable and consistent power supply. This step is crucial while doing a TP Link firmware upgrade.

Connect Extender to Router

Place the extender closer to the router and connect them. You can connect them either using an Ethernet cable or wirelessly. If you are connecting them wirelessly, make sure the extender is placed closer to the router.

Extender Placement

The extender has to be placed in a central location. Moreover, there should be nothing hampering the free flow of WiFi signals emitted from the extender. 

Access Web Browser

Turn to the web browser to get access to the TP Link extender dashboard. For that, you need to enter the tplinkrepeater web address in the address bar of the web browser. Make sure you don’t commit any typing errors.

Do Extender Login

After entering the web address, you are directed to the TP Link extender login page. That is where you need to keep your login details ready. Furthermore, make sure you check there are no typing errors while entering the login credentials.

Access System Tools

When the extender dashboard opens, you should access System Tools. From there, you need to move on to the firmware update option. That is where you will upload the downloaded firmware file.

Upload Downloaded File

Choose the browse option and access the file that you extracted on the local computer space. Click the open option and the file will start uploading. Just wait for it to get uploaded.

Save Changes

Once the file is uploaded, save the changes. If needed, you should reboot the TP Link extender.


As you can see, updating the TP Link extender firmware is easy. Just make sure you don’t commit any mistakes. After that, you get to enjoy ultra-fast internet connectivity along with the premium extender performance.

Happy Reading!!!!

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