best blue light glasses – Zara Techs Technology and Digital Marketing World Wed, 07 Sep 2022 16:50:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blue light glasses Wed, 07 Sep 2022 16:50:31 +0000 Many experts tell us that when it comes to taking care of our health, including body weight and mood, we should be careful not to underestimate the power of sleep. One of the reasons why many adults and children today live in a state of sleep deprivation is the frequent exposure to electronic devices that emit blue light. Because blue light can disrupt our circadian rhythms, or “internal clock,” the use of blue light glasses is now recommended to improve sleep quality and other problems.

What are the benefits of blue light glasses? While more research is needed on this subject, there is some evidence that blue light blocking glasses can positively impact your metabolism, focus, appetite control, and more.

Read on to find out how to choose the best blue light blocking glasses for your needs, as well as when and how long to wear them.

What are blue light glasses?

Blue light glasses are a special type of glasses that can block or filter blue light emitted from digital screens and electronic devices.

If you regularly experience issues such as eye strain, blurry vision, headaches, and difficulty sleeping that you think are related to electronic use, then it’s worth trying glasses with a blue light filter.

What blue light do the glasses block?

Blue light is a type of high energy light that is bright and has a short wavelength. These are the wavelengths of light from 420 to 480 nanometers in the visible light spectrum. Although it often has a bad rap, blue light also has some benefits, such as making us feel upbeat and alert.

Most of our exposure comes from sunlight, but electronics also contribute to the amount of blue light that enters our eyes on a daily basis. Electronics that emit blue light include televisions, smartphones, laptops, computer monitors, and tablets, which are now used by many teenagers and adults. report spending several hours using every day.

Do blue light glasses work?

These goggles are most commonly worn at night to keep the blue light emitted from LED devices from reaching your eyes.

Studies have shown that exposure to blue light can suppress the natural production of the hormone melatonin, which induces sleep. Therefore, it is believed that excessive exposure at night can keep you awake and disrupt your natural sleep-wake cycle.

So wearing glasses with a blue light filter is one way to prevent sleep disturbances and possibly protect your eyes in other ways.

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Do blue light glasses actually work? Blue light glasses benefits

Do blue light glasses actually work? Opinions about its effectiveness and the results of the studies conducted were generally mixed.

Research on the effects of blue light glasses is still ongoing. One of the reasons it is difficult to determine how well they work for most people is that their use is not heavily regulated, as authorities such as the U.S. The Food and Drug Administration does not consider these glasses medical grade devices.

American Academy of Ophthalmology and UK Optometrists Association currently I do not recommend use of blue light glasses to the general public, although they are not claimed to be dangerous or to be avoided.

Their position is that there is not enough high-quality research showing that they work, and that symptoms such as eye strain and headaches may actually be due to problems such as strabismus when using electronics and poor posture rather than exposure. blue light.

However, some experts and many people report the benefits of blue light blocking glasses. Possible benefits may include:

  • Reduced eye strain, dryness and blurry eyes
  • Headache Reduction
  • Better sleep and reduced insomnia, especially because it makes it easier for you to fall asleep
  • Improved vision (including less blur)
  • There may be a higher protection against the development of some eye diseases, although this is still being studied – it is currently believed that blue light from devices does NOT damage the retina and does not contribute to long-term vision loss, macular degeneration or glaucoma.

If blue light filtering glasses can help you sleep better, then there’s reason to believe their benefits could be far-reaching.

Lack of sleep can increase your chances of developing a number of serious health problems such as obesity, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, and others. Therefore, more sleep can be very protective and important for improving the overall quality of life.

What to Look for in Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Which brand of blue light blocking glasses is the best? It really depends on the strength of the filter you need and the severity of your symptoms.

As for where to buy blue light glasses, you can buy blue light glasses with or without a prescription from your optometrist, pharmacy, stores that sell glasses/glasses, or online.

If you’re dealing with vision-related problems such as cataracts or have recently had eye surgery, it’s best to talk to your ophthalmologist about their recommendations, as you may actually need contact lenses or glasses. for filtering glass.

Blue light blocking filters can be added to prescription glasses for a relatively low price, usually less than $100. You can also buy over-the-counter blue light glasses for around $30-$100, although there are other brands.

If you’re concerned about UV blocking, look for glasses with a filter that provides 100% UV protection.

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When to use them

How do you know if you need blue light glasses?

If you regularly use LED electronic devices at night, especially when the sun goes down, it might be worth trying them out. However, if you don’t want to invest in these glasses and don’t believe in their effectiveness, experts suggest simply reducing screen time at night and/or setting all your devices to “night mode“, which helps reduce blue light exposure automatically.

Can I wear blue light blocking glasses all the time?

It may not be necessary, but it shouldn’t hurt either. Some people find that wearing glasses while working improves their vision and allows them to work longer hours in greater comfort.

If you spend several hours every day with electronics, especially during the day when you’ve been outdoors in blue sunlight, it’s probably not a problem not to wear glasses. Some exposure to blue light during the day, especially natural sunlight, is even beneficial for regulating your circadian rhythm, so don’t worry about normal exposure levels.

In general, it’s best to wear blue light glasses at night, a few hours before bedtime, when your body produces more melatonin. But if your eyes are less stressed when you wear them throughout the day, experts say it’s best to keep doing so.

Risks and side effects

Blue light glasses can take the strain off your eyes and help you sleep better at night, but they’re not the only way to take care of your circadian rhythm vision.

Here are other steps to take if you want to sleep better and avoid eye strain, headaches, and other problems:

  • When outside, expose yourself to sunlight during the day. Just beware of getting too much UVA and UVB into your eyes, which can be harmful – so consider wearing sunglasses if you spend a lot of time in the sun.
  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine, especially before bed.
  • Get regular exercise that improves the quality of your sleep.
  • Develop a relaxing evening routine that will help you deal with stress and relax. Ideally, this routine doesn’t require the use of electronics – instead, try reading a book, stretching, or taking a hot shower. If you use your electronics at night, switch it to night mode.
  • Keep the room temperature cool and wear clothes that won’t make you too hot.
  • If possible, limit the number of hours you spend on electronics. Buy a good ergonomic chair to support your posture and make sure the screens are at the right height so you don’t tilt your head forward. Ideally, your eyes should be about 25 inches away from the screen and looking slightly down.
  • While working on your computer or device, take a break every 20 minutes and look at an object at least 6 feet away for 20 seconds.


  • What are the benefits of blue light blocking glasses? They help filter/block the bright blue light emitted by electronic devices.
  • Too much blue light can contribute to problems such as disturbed sleep and possibly eye strain and headaches.
  • What are the best blue light glasses? It depends why you are using them. If you have severe symptoms or are recovering from eye surgery, you may need a prescription and should talk to your doctor. Otherwise, you can buy them at a pharmacy or online.
  • Studies on the effects of blue light filter glasses are generally lacking, and opinions differ as to whether they are necessary or not. However, some people find that they reduce symptoms such as eye strain, dry eyes, blurriness, tension headaches, and difficulty falling asleep, especially among people who use electronics for many hours daily and at night.

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