brewing equipment – Zara Techs Technology and Digital Marketing World Mon, 22 Aug 2022 06:42:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Best Coffee Brewing Methods Mon, 22 Aug 2022 06:42:34 +0000 Introduction

The weather is cold today. You have to wake up from sleep, do your workout and head straight to your office. Your brain knows it, but your body is not supporting you. You think of grabbing a protein drink but are confused by the long list of consumables available in the market. Wine, chocolate, protein shakes, cheese anything having carbs will provide you with the energy. 

However, you would like to try something else. What is the perfect drink that provides energy in the morning, afternoon, evening or the middle of the night? Coffee! Do you want to work late at night? Garb a cup of your favorite coffee. Do you want to sip at your work? Coffee can do wonders! The most worrisome part of coffee is choosing the perfect coffee bean samples that can take you to the magical world. Yes, when you use the right coffee beans for your brewing machine, you can almost land on la la land. 

Just like you need to choose the right wine for your birthday, select the right coffee beans for your day. You can find an ocean of information about the best beans, brewing equipment or the right place to purchase your beans. Most of this information is misguiding and can create confusion in your mind. We are here to guide you through the process of choosing the perfect coffee beans for your daily routine. 

Coffee Beans and the Myth

You must have heard a contrasting myth. Some say coffee remains forever, while others say you cannot use leftover coffee after two weeks. So, what is the truth? Fresh coffee is the best coffee. Coffee is a fruit, and any fresh fruit is best. So, how to choose fresh coffee beans? Always look for the roast date. Remember that if you find any coffee that does not have the necessary information printed on its body, avoid it. No information can mean the beans are not fresh, and your investment will go down to drain. So prefer to get your coffee beans from a local roaster. You can ask your neighbors for recommendations. Reviews can help you know if your local roaster sells what you want. 

Choose the Perfect Brewing Method

Here is the good news for coffee lovers. You can make your favorite expresso coffee at home with the Acaia Pearl Coffee scale. Put your automatic coffee maker inside your cabinet because now you can learn these top brewing methods for your perfect workout session.

1. Pour over Style – Coffee Cone

Want to try out the oldest and the cheapest way of making coffee? Then, you can choose this option. Pour Over method uses coffee cones and filter papers. The flavor of your coffee would depend much on the shape of the cone. Some famous brands are – Melitta, Hario V60, Kalita Wave and Bee House.

2.  Pour Over – Chemex

Pour Over Chemex is a sophisticated and better way of making coffee. Chemex square filters are heavier than other filter papers. Use medium coarse beans for this method. 

3.  French Press

Most domestic coffee makers consider the French Press the easiest and best way to produce superior quality coffee. O pt for this method if you like a more coffee-like taste. Coarse coffee beans would be the best for the French press method.

 4. Aeropress

 The Aeropress method is relatively new. Fine-medium beans are suitable for this method. The Aeropress method is a good option if you like espresso. The best thing about this equipment is that it is easy to clean. So, you do not have to worry about spending your time cleaning the maker just after enjoying your delicious coffee.

 5. Siphon

Do you want to enjoy making coffee and impress your guests with your talent? Then, nothing can be better than this coffee maker. However, it can become messy at times. So, proceed with precaution. You can buy medium coffee bean samples for this method. Some common brands are Hario, Yama and Bodum. 


So, are you ready to dive into the world of coffee making now? You can choose Acaia Pearl Coffee Scale if you are a beginner. It is super easy to use and comes with a properly-explained manual. Try other coffee beans and find out what you like the most. Happy adventure time till then!
