Cancer – Zara Techs Technology and Digital Marketing World Tue, 01 Nov 2022 07:48:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Understanding Signs And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer Tue, 01 Nov 2022 07:48:44 +0000 Our body needs attention at all ages that we are as different requirements of the body should be met if you wish to live a healthy and happy life for a long.

Some people are still very dedicated to their health as they believe in caring for their cells and living disease-free, which adds to their quality of life.

From inculcating habits such as working out regularly to eating only the healthiest of nutrients and avoiding any junk food, many people completely divorce themselves from health and fight for their life. 

But sometimes, focusing on your body isn’t enough to keep you away from various diseases, as other factors can still influence the. However, eating healthy can still make a significant difference to your health. But one can never predict what will happen in the future. 

One such devastating problem that anyone is prone to be cancer. Cancer is of many types, but among them prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of Cancer, which are prevalent among men.

However, cases of prostate cancer can be possible in any age group, but the highest prevalence of the same is among middle-aged men who are over the age of 40 years old. 

There can be any factor that can contribute to the person acquiring prostate cancer. Still, one of the primary reasons for developing such type of cancer has been a genetic influence as it has been found that people with a history of prostate cancer are likely to create the same later in life.

There can also be other reasons that can influence a person’s susceptibility to developing prostate cancer. 

Other factors which can contribute include a person’s body weight, as resources are found that people who are obese are much more likely to develop positive cancer compared to people with a normal BMI. 

Symptoms of prostate cancer

A specific set of signs & symptoms of prostate cancer can be observed in someone who may have a possible diagnosis of the same.

  • Trouble while urinating

One of the most common signs you will notice in a person who has prostate cancer is to find trouble urinating. This is because the cell in their penis has grown to be abnormal and have taken a form of a tumor which causes pain whenever the urine passes the urethra. 

  • Blood in the urine

Another common symptom that one can observe in someone who has prostate cancer is bleeding by urinating. Most people describe blood in urine as one of the first symptoms that day noticed and then the doctor’s decision to get a check-up. 

  • Blood in semen

A man who is sexually active at there age also complains about finding blood in the semen during or after sexual intercourse, which is also considered a severe symptom of prostate cancer. 

  • Erectile dysfunction

One might also face problems related to unsatisfactory sexual life and observing significant or slight erectile dysfunction if one has prostate cancer. Erectile dysfunction can be informed by the inability of the penis to remain erect for long or the inability of the penis to stay standing at all. 

  • Unexplained weight loss

People who might be suffering from post-cancer often complain of losing weight for no apparent cause as their body cannot take the maximum from the nutrients they are consuming and digest it effectively over time. 

If you or someone you know notice these symptoms in their health, it is recommended that they see your professional medical advice as soon as possible and act on the prostate cancer before it becomes lethal to one’s health. 

Know All About Cancer Treatment Centers Mon, 31 Oct 2022 06:38:11 +0000 Cancer is a term that has gained the most popularity in the past few decades. It has in turn become a household name. Every now and then there’s a referral to something that we do which can in turn become cancerous. Also given the degree of the morbidity and mortality cancer is a very dangerous and fatal disease.

There are a plethora of types of cancers, be it breast cancer, brain cancer, brain stem cancer, spinal cord cancer, bone cancer, cartilage cancer also called as chondrosarcoma, uterine cancer, stomach cancer, oesophageal cancer, oral cancer, skin cancer, eye cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, bowel cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer and so many more to add to that count.

Amongst all these, one of the most prevailing forms of cancer is prostate cancer in males, hence this article further elaborates on the centros de tratamiento de cancer de prostata en Guatemala and further details about cancer as a disease itself.

On the first hand, what is cancer defined as?

To begin with, cancer can be defined biologically as a disease which involves the proliferation of cells in one’s body uncontrollably. When the cells in one’s body begin to multiply and grow rapidly in an uncontrolled manner, that is haphazardly it tends to develop a mass of cells forming a tumour. This tumour further turns cancerous and spreads to invade other parts of the body.

Normally, in a healthy human’s body, it is normal and natural for the cells to grow by dividing and multiplying through a process known as mitosis – which is a type of cell division wherein a single cell gives rise to identical cells by undergoing division. These are the new cells that the body requires to grow and perform functions of the body.

These cells are required mandatorily by the body. However, in this process, the division of cells occurs in a controlled manner. There is a standard control over the rate of this cell division. That is done via a process known as apoptosis. It is the programmed death of cells. As the cells grow older and senile or if in-case they become damaged, these cells eventually die, consequently they will be replaced by the newly forming cells.

This is a cycle that works conventionally which aids in maintaining the total number of cells required and preventing the formation of unnecessary cells. When this mechanism is deranged, it leads to the uncontrollable division of cells which forms tumours.

What can cancer do?

These tumours that are formed as a result of the uncontrolled division of cells, if they are malignant, they possess the ability to spread their boundaries and further invade to the surrounding tissues and even worse, it also spreads to distant areas through blood and lymphatics. When they spread to distant areas, these cancerous cells get implanted in the new site and eventually lead to the development of new tumours at the new site.

What is prostate cancer?

When the cells found in the prostate begin to proliferate, multiply and grow uncontrollably. More specifically, the cells that constitute the prostate gland go haywire in its division and result in the formation of tumours in the prostate gland. There are many different types of prostate cancers itself. Hence, depending on the type of cancer there are various treatment options.

Treatment options:

The first line of therapy includes chemotherapy, followed by radiotherapy and finally surgery. A recent addition to the line of cancer treatment is proton therapy. There are many cancer specialising centres across the country that offer more peculiar forms of treatment for specific type of cancer.

Why Should You Choose A Robotic Prostate Cancer Specialist Fri, 28 Oct 2022 10:08:40 +0000 There are mainly two treatments for prostate cancer – radiotherapy and surgery. Robotic surgery has advent in the last 10 years or so and it revolutionized the medical field. It is the surgery, which is done by robotics. It is also known as minimally invasive surgery, as there is no need to make any large cuts during this process.

Prostate gland

The prostate is only present in men. The work prostate does in a man’s body is mainly to nourish his semen. It is present underneath the bladder in men and helps in the control of urinal continence.

Robotic prostatectomy

The whole prostate gets removed during the surgery by using robotic arms penetrating the abdomen. This procedure takes a few hours usually. It is performed under genuine ascetic. A patient often comes in the morning and the whole surgery can be performed until the afternoon. The patient is free to go home on the following day after being observed by a doctor.

How conventional open prostatectomy is different from robotic prostatectomy?

As its, name defines it is done via an incision on a person’s abdomen or an incision that goes directly through a person’s naval, whereas the robotic approach is different from this. In robotic prostatectomy, there are multiple tiny incisions through which robotic arms perform their surgery while urologists control this whole process.

Benefits of the robotic prostate cancer surgery

  • Keeps nerves intact – During the traditional surgery, there are more chances of nerves and blood vessels around the prostate getting damaged. However, in robotic surgery there are monitors in front of the Surgeon, so he can visualize those nerves easily. It allows them to spare those nerves and keep their quality alive, and even regain their erectile function properly after surgery.
  • There are 93% chances that a person will regain his urinary continent after surgery. Most people regain their ability to control urine within 2-12 weeks, depending on factors including previous health, prostate size, and age.
  • After robotic surgery there will be only 5-6 surgical incisions on your body, which will be far less visible as compared to the traditional surgery where you have one big midline incision.
  • quicker healing, less pain, and reduced risk of infection are the major advantages of robotic prostate surgery. This means a person can go home quicker and sooner and less time in the hospital.
  • Less blood loss is a great benefit of robotic prostate surgery because of the less incisions made during the surgery.

How long recovery takes?

The major benefit of robotic prostate cancer surgery is that patients got recover promptly. Most patients who had surgery would be fine to go home the following day. Once the operation is performed patient starts to recover over the first few weeks.

Any person who was a sportsman before his surgery gets to recover quickly and can go to live their normal life within a week. Although a person feels fine soon after his surgery, is advised by Boston’s robotic Prostate Cancer Specialist to take 6 weeks off from their work.

Can Homeopathy Treat Cancer? Wed, 17 Aug 2022 10:07:17 +0000 Homeopathy was founded on the ‘like cures like” principle. It employs tiny amounts of a drug that, in large concentrations, might elicit the symptoms of the disease. There is no scientific proof that it can either prevent or treat cancer.

Homeopathy uses little dosages of a natural drug that, in high quantities, would elicit sickness symptoms. There is no scientific proof that it can either prevent or treat cancer. Consult a cancer specialist in Delhi to get homeopathic drugs that may have negative effects and may interact with other medications.

What Exactly Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy has been practiced for almost 200 years. It is one of the most often utilized alternative therapy among cancer patients.

Homoeopathy is founded on the ‘rule of the lowest dose’ and the principle that ‘like heals like.’ A homeopathic therapist (homeopath) utilizes minuscule amounts of a drug to cure a disease. In significant concentrations, the drug would produce the illness’s symptoms.

Homeopathic medications, according to adherents, function by initiating the body’s self-healing process. This occurs as a result of the response. Healing occurs when the body attempts to maintain a stable internal environment.

Homeopathic medicines are created by manufacturers using plant, mineral, and animal materials. They are diluted with water and agitated until very little of the original ingredient remains. They produce drops, tablets, and lotions out of the water.

Why Do Cancer Patients Use It?

People utilize it, like with other complementary therapies, since it may make them feel better or more in control of their circumstances.

Some people prefer homeopathy over conventional medicine since it provides a specific treatment.

It is used in conjunction with traditional medicine. It should not be used in place of conventional cancer treatment.

Homeopaths feel it can help with a wide variety of symptoms and diseases.

Homeopathy supporters advocate it to cancer patients as a natural approach to help them:

Cope with stress, anxiety, and sadness by relaxing

Manage symptoms and side effects such as pain, nausea, and fatigue

People suggest that homeopathy makes them feel better. However, there is no proof that it helps with any health problem. It is considered to have a placebo effect. When individuals believe they have taken something to help them feel better, they feel better.

How Do You Take This Medicine?

Your homeopath will ask you general questions on your first visit. These will include topics such as your health, lifestyle, food, and medical history. They will inquire about your sleeping habits, mood, and emotions.

This information will assist the homeopath in selecting the appropriate medicines for you. These are considered unapproved medications.

The session typically lasts 45 minutes. Additional appointments may be shorter.

Homeopathic Medications Are Available As:


You can take them orally or as creams or drops. Your therapist will instruct you on how and when to take your medicines.

You may be asked by your homeopath to keep a record of any changes in your symptoms or condition.

Homeopathic treatments are available over the counter. They are available in pharmacies and health food stores. Homeopathic medications are not approved by the FDA. As a result, the pharmacist will not personalize these medicines to your specific needs.

Homeopathic remedies can also be purchased over the internet. Keep in mind, however, that there is no guarantee that you will receive the correct remedy. Alternatively, it will be of high quality.

Locating A Homeopath

Choose a respected and skilled homeopath.

In the United Kingdom, there is no one professional organization that governs homeopathic practitioners. They can join a variety of organizations. There is no legislation requiring them to do so. However, the majority of qualified homeopaths are members of one of the professional organizations.

The following organizations can assist you in locating a homeopath in your region.

Homeopathic Research

Many clinical investigations have been conducted to determine how effective homeopathy is in treating various conditions. They provide no proof that homeopathy can heal or prevent any disease. There is also no convincing evidence that homeopathy can treat cancer. Many studies are too small, and the research methods are not always high-quality.

Homeopathy has been studied to see whether it might help with the adverse effects of various cancer therapies. However, the trials were tiny, and there is insufficient data to endorse them. The experiments, according to the researchers, should be repeated.

They Investigated The Following Remedies:

Calendula ointment can help with skin inflammation (dermatitis) after radiotherapy treatment A. Montana 1000K homeopathic medicine can help with blood loss after breast cancer surgery and to prevent a pocket of fluid (seroma) from forming. Arnica montana 15CH and Apis mellifica 15CH homeopathic medicines combined with acupuncture can help with pain after surgery

Homeopathy has now again become popular, particularly among cancer patients. Observational data indicating efficacy must be treated with extreme care. Randomized controlled studies are few, and those accessible have substantial methodological problems. All existing RCTs are focused on cancer palliation and supportive treatment. These data are not yet accessible for independent replication.

What is Banzel (Rufinamide)? Uses, Side Effects, Indications Wed, 06 Jul 2022 09:05:41 +0000 Banzel (Rufinamide) Rufinamide is a new substance that is used to treat the symptoms of kidney failure. It is also used to lower plasma albumin levels as well as prevent further episodes of kidney injury. Banzel (Rufinamide) works by improving the function of your kidneys and decreasing how much protein leaks into your urine. Rufineamide is available in both injectable and oral forms. It can be given by injection once every day. Read on to learn more regarding Banzel (Rufinamide) uses, side effects, safety, drug interactions, and indications.

Banzel (Rufinamide) Uses

Banzel Rufinamide
Banzel Rufinamide

The use of Banzel Rufinamide is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The drug is promoted and sold by the Sanofi Pharmaceuticals as part of its Rufinox (Rufinamide) drug family. Banzel Rufinamide is used to treat the symptoms of kidney failure. The kidneys produce hormones that regulate your blood pressure, fluid balance, and protein levels in the urine.

When your kidneys are damaged, your blood pressure and protein levels in your urine decrease. Banzel Rufinamide is sometimes used with ACE inhibitors or ARB drugs to reduce protein in your urine even more. Rufinamide is also used to prevent the development of kidney damage after kidney transplantation.

Side Effects of Rufinamide

Diarrhea – Headache – Nausea – Vomiting – Fatigue – Drowsiness – Muscle pain – Increased blood pressure – Infection at site of injection – Lowering of your blood cells count – Blueing of the skin at the injection site – Restlessness – Restricted breathing – Unconsciousness – Seizures – Serotonin Syndrome There are a number of rare but serious side effects of Banzel (Rufinamide). They include low blood cell count, low blood pressure, seizures, serotonin syndrome, and Serotonin Syndrome. However, all these side effects are rare. They are more common in people who have kidney failure.

Uses of Rufinamide

Banzel (Rufinamide) is an effective treatment for kidney failure. It reduces protein in your urine and increases the amount of water your kidneys can filter out of your blood as well as increasing the number of kidney cells. This improves your overall health. – Banzel Rufinamide can reduce protein in your urine even more than ACE inhibitors or ARB drugs. It can be used with these medications to reduce protein even further. – Banzel Rufinamide is used to prevent kidney damage after kidney transplantation. – Banzel (Rufinamide) can be used to lower plasma albumin levels and help prevent further episodes of kidney injury.

Indications for Rufinamide

Banzel (Rufinamide) can be used to treat the symptoms of kidney failure. – Banzel Rufinamide can be used to prevent kidney damage after kidney transplantation. – Banzel (Rufinamide) can be used to lower plasma albumin levels and help prevent further episodes of kidney injury. – Banzel Rufinamide is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is promoted and sold by the Sanofi Pharmaceuticals as part of its Rufinox (Rufinamide) drug family.


Rufinamide is a new substance that is used to treat the symptoms of kidney failure. It is also used to lower plasma albumin levels as well as prevent further episodes of kidney injury. Banzel (Rufinamide) works by improving the function of your kidneys and decreasing how much protein leaks into your urine. Rufinamide is available in both injectable and oral forms.

It can be given by injection once every day. The use of Banzel (Rufinamide) is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is promoted and sold by the Sanofi Pharmaceuticals as part of its Rufinox (Rufinamide) drug family. Rufinamide is safe, but it has a few rare but serious side effects. These include low blood cell count, low blood pressure, seizures, serotonin syndrome, and serotonin syndrome. However, all these side effects are rare.

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Types of Blood Cancer: How to Treat Your Patients Wed, 06 Jul 2022 06:14:01 +0000 Blood cancers are cancerous growths that develop in the blood. They’re categorized by where they develop and what type of blood they’re attacking. Knowing the characteristics of each type of blood cancer can help your patients feel more comfortable during their treatment and make decisions about their care. If you’re new to caring for patients with blood cancer, it’s recommended that you attend a series of live online training modules called Pathogenesis and Treatment of Blood Cancers Care Module Training program. These modules will give you an overview of how different types of blood cancers develop and what kinds of treatment options are available to treat them. After you complete these modules, take a quick assessment so we can ensure you meet our training learning goals.

What is blood cancer?

Types of Blood Cancer
Types of Blood Cancer

Blood cancers are tumors that develop in the blood-forming tissue of the human body. They are classified by their location and the type of blood tissue they attack. Most blood cancers start in the blood-forming tissue in the bone marrow, called the hematopoietic system. The hematopoietic system consists of the bone marrow, which produces blood cells, and the spleen, which helps to filter blood and remove old blood cells. A few blood cancers begin in other parts of the body’s blood-forming system. Two kinds of leukemia start in the bone marrow, and one kind of leukemia begins in the lymph nodes. Blood cancers often have specific characteristics that may help your patients feel more comfortable during treatment. For example, some blood cancers cause symptoms that are similar to common conditions, including arthritis or anemia. Others cause symptoms that are similar to autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Knowing the characteristics of different blood cancers can help you and your patients make informed decisions about their care.

Red Blood Cell Cancer

In the United States, there are nearly 25,000 new cases of blood cancer annually. This makes it the blood cancer with the second-highest incidence. The most common type of blood cancer is red blood cell cancer. This type of cancer can occur in the blood’s red blood cells, the red blood cell’s membrane, or its hemoglobin. Red blood cell cancers are often deadly, with fewer than 5% of patients surviving five years after diagnosis. They’re often treated with chemotherapy, but some patients are treated with stem cell transplants that aim to restore their bone marrow’s normal function.

White Blood Cell Cancer

White blood cell cancers are often called leukemias. The most common white blood cell cancer is myeloma, which is a type of leukemia that develops in the white blood cells. Less common white blood cell cancers include lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and leukemia of the lymphoid tissue. Most white blood cell cancers are slow-growing and can often be treated with chemotherapy. These cancers usually grow in the bone marrow or in the lymph nodes, and they’re often treated with a procedure called autologous bone marrow transplantation, in which the patient receives a new set of white blood cells from his or her own bone marrow.


Lymphomas are malignant tumors that develop in the lymph nodes. They’re the third most common blood cancer in the United States, with nearly 10,000 new cases each year. Lymphomas can occur in any part of the lymph system. They often start in one of the lymph nodes, which are small organs that help the body’s immune system protect itself against foreign substances. Lymphomas can also start in other parts of the body’s lymph system, including the spleen, which filters blood. Nearly half of all lymphomas are non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which is the most common type of lymphoma. Most non-Hodgkin lymphomas are slow-growing and can often be treated with chemotherapy. Most Hodgkin lymphomas are aggressive cancers that start in the lymph nodes and may spread to other parts of the body.

Mixed Marrow or Bone Marrow Cancer

In some cases, a blood cancer may start in the bone marrow and then spread to the lymph nodes or spleen. This type of cancer is called mixed marrow or mixed lymphoma. Other cases of mixed marrow or lymphoma begin in the stem cells that are found in the bone marrow, the spleen, or other parts of the blood-forming system. The most common type of mixed marrow or lymphoma. Other mixed marrow or lymphoma types include leukemia and myeloma. The prognosis for mixed marrow and lymphoma is also mixed, with some blood cancers having a better prognosis than others.


Blood cancers are caused by abnormal cell growth in the blood-forming tissue. They can affect red blood cells, white blood cells, or lymph nodes. The five most common blood cancers are: – Red blood cell cancer – The most common type of blood cancer – Hematopoietic cell sarcoma – White blood cell cancer – Leukemia – Lymphoma – Mixed marrow or bone marrow cancer – Myeloma – Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Blood cancers can have different characteristics that can help your patients feel more comfortable during treatment. For example, some blood cancers cause symptoms that are similar to common conditions, such as anemia or arthritis. Others cause symptoms that are similar to autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Knowing the characteristics of different blood cancers can help you and your patients make informed decisions about their care.

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