mattress cleaning – Zara Techs Technology and Digital Marketing World Sat, 07 May 2022 12:49:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning a Mattress Sat, 07 May 2022 12:49:05 +0000 Mattress stains are difficult to avoid, no matter how many measures you take, especially if you have children or pets in your house. If you don’t deal with stains as soon as they appear, they might disrupt your sleep and penetrate the mattress’s fibers. Furthermore, you may need to replace them or engage expert cleaners.

To avoid these issues, we must recommend you do mattress cleaning in Dubai. And this detailed guide will assist you in cleaning your mattress by addressing the most prevalent forms of stains. Let’s get this party started.

How to Clean Your Dirty Mattress 

Because numerous sorts of stains might cause your mattress to get unclean, we recommend that you take the proper precautions. The following is a list of several procedures based on the type of stain.


Bloodstains should be removed as quickly as possible; otherwise, they will penetrate the fibers and cause permanent damage.

Cleaning materials:

  • A cloth that hasn’t been soiled
  • powdered meat tenderizer
  • Peroxide (H2O2)
  • Water
  • Soda bicarbonate
  • Salt

Cleaning Procedure:

  1. Soak the rag in water and blot the bloodstains with it. Prepare a paste of baking soda and salt in a bit of water, apply it to the stain, and let it sit for 30 minutes before cleaning it away with the same wet towel.
  • Make a solution of one cup hydrogen peroxide and one cup dishwashing detergent, apply it to the stain, and wait a few minutes before wiping it away with a clean towel.
  • To form a paste, combine meat tenderizer powder with water. Wet the stain and then cover it for half an hour with the paste. Remove the residue with a damp towel.

The enzymes in the meat tenderizer can break down protein and separate amino acids in the blood. As a consequence, getting rid of the stains will be much easier.

Stains of Urine 

If urine stains aren’t cleansed right away, they might leave brownish traces on your mattress.

Cleaning materials:

  • Cleaner for upholstery
  • Soda (baking)
  • Vinegar (white)
  • Water
  • Towel paper
  • A cloth that has been washed

Cleaning Procedure:

As soon as the stain appears, absorb the fresh liquid with a paper towel. After that, spray the area with a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water. Blot the affected area gently with a clean cloth. You can repeat the technique and wipe the area with a clean piece of clothes. Allow it to dry for a few minutes.

If there are any old stains, add some baking soda to the affected area and vacuum the next day.

To get the same effects, you may substitute an upholstery cleaner with soda and vinegar. Wet the area and follow the directions on the product label.

Stains of Vomit 

Cleaning materials:

  • Using essential oils
  • Soda (baking)
  • Peroxide (H2O2)
  • A cloth that hasn’t been soiled

Cleaning Procedure:

Pour a tiny amount of hydrogen peroxide over the spots. Make sure you don’t overdo it with the liquid. Blot out with a clean rag after a few minutes.

Combine a few drops of essential oil with baking soda, apply to the discoloration, and let overnight. Clean up the residue the following day with a vacuum cleaner.

Stains of Sweat 

Cleaning materials:

  • Water
  • powdered laundry detergent
  • Borax
  • Sponge

Cleaning Procedure:

Spray the stain with water, then sprinkle the area with Borax powder. Work the paste into the mattress with a sponge and let it aside to dry. The residue may then be picked up using a vacuum cleaner.

Fill a jar halfway with water and add some washing powder. Apply the mixture to the stain with a sponge and massage in a circular motion until the stain fades. Finally, allow time for the mattress to dry.

Cleaning Supplies for Water Rings: 

  • A blow dryer
  • Towel paper
  • A damp cloth

Cleaning Procedure:

Dampen the stain with water and cover it with kitchen paper. Place something heavy on the paper layers, such as a book. Replace the paper towels a few times, then use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process.

Smelly Mattress 

Sweat and tiny organisms can produce a stale odor emanating from the mattress. You may get rid of the odor from your mattress with various methods. We’ll utilize essential oil and baking soda in this procedure.

Cleaning Procedure:

Mix baking soda with a few drops of essential oil and sprinkle it all over the mattress. Wait at least 30 minutes before vacuuming the area, and the combination should eliminate the odor.

How to Clean Different Types of Mattresses 

Depending on the type of mattress, you may wish to utilize the appropriate approach. Let’s look at how you should go for a different type of mattress cleaning:

Mattress with Memory Foam 

  • Cleaning materials:
  • Powdered laundry detergent
  • Borax/baking soda
  • Cleaner for vacuums

Cleaning Procedure:

  1. Vacuum the mattress’s top layer.
  2. To dry clean, use baking soda or borax.
  3. Using a fabric cleaner, clean the surface.
  4. After 60 minutes, vacuum to remove the residue.
  5. If you use too much water, the mattress will take a long time to dry.

Mattress in Latex 

You can’t clean your latex mattress with water or strong chemicals. To avoid harm, you might use natural, do-it-yourself alternatives.

Cleaning materials:

  • Vinegar
  • Using essential oils
  • Borax/baking soda
  • Vacuum

Cleaning Procedure:

  1. Clean the mattress thoroughly with a vacuum.
  2. To sanitize a surface, mix a few drops of essential oil with bicarb soda and sprinkle it.
  3. Use alcohol, vinegar, or an enzyme cleaner to remove it depending on the stain.
  4. After the mattress has dried, replace it with a clean sheet.

Finally, mattress cleaning in Dubai takes a long time and a lot of effort. We recommend hiring a cleaning service if you don’t want to risk ruining your pricey mattresses.

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