The Symbolism and Food of Eid ul Adha

The Symbolism and Food of Eid ul Adha

When you hear the words “Eid ul Adha”, what do you immediately think of? This Four-day public holiday celebrates the sacrifice and sharing of food and gifts with others. Here are some of the many traditions surrounding this holiday. Read on to learn about the symbolism and food of this special holiday. You’ll also learn about the sacrifice and other aspects of this holiday. And you’ll understand why this holiday is such an important one.

Four-day public holiday

The Islamic religious holiday Eid ul Adha falls on the tenth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, which is the 12th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Depending on the country, the holiday lasts two to four days. The main focus of the holiday is the sacrifice of the Prophet Ibrahim’s son, Ismael. To mark the day, many people will go out of their way to visit their family and friends, and eat their favourite foods.

During the holiday, Muslims wear their best clothing and new, clean clothes to pray and visit the mosque. Some will sacrifice an animal for the faith. They will share the meat amongst family, friends and extended family. The remaining third will be given to the poor. Many families also host large community feasts where they invite people of all backgrounds to share traditional dishes and spend quality time together.


Among the many traditions of Islam, the sacrifice on Eid ul Adha is particularly significant. Traditionally, the sacrifice is a human being’s life. According to Islam, a human being should sacrifice his or her most beloved possession if they wish to be close to Allah. This sacrifice is done on this day to remind Muslims that no human attachment is greater than their relationship with God. Interestingly, the ritual is not limited to human beings. During the festival, people of all faiths and backgrounds are expected to offer sacrifices to their gods.

In the Islamic calendar, sacrifices are permitted on the day of Eid, only after the Eid prayer. In some Islamic communities, the prayer is not performed until the 13th day of Dhu’l-Hijjah, which is the last day of the month of Ramadan. Although sacrifices are permitted anytime during the day, it is recommended to make the sacrifice during daylight. By doing so, the required veins can be cut.


One of the most important festivals for Muslims is Eid ul Adha. It commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Isma’il to please Allah. The Devil had tempted the prophet to disobey Allah, but he did not. During Eid ul Adha, Muslims visit relatives and friends, and give presents. Here are some symbols of the holiday.

Among the many symbols of Eid ul Adha, the crescent moon is probably the most iconic. It is the most widely recognized image of the holiday, and it can be found on the flags of many Muslim nations. Like the cross in Christianity, the crescent moon represents the first of a lunar calendar month. Most advertisements featuring Eid ul Adha feature this symbol. It is also often accompanied by a star.


If you’re looking for some traditional Eid ul Adha foods, Moroccan laasida is a must-try. The triangular dish is filled with vegetables, meat, chicken, fish and more. You can also enjoy a traditional Moroccan dish called mhancha, which is a sweet pastry filled with almonds and scented with orange blossom water. Located across North Africa, Fattah is an essential part of the celebration and many Moroccan restaurants in the UAE serve up this delicious dish.

The first day of Eid is often spent eating leftovers. Often, Muslims wake up on the second day of Eid to eat leftovers from the previous night. Besides the traditional Eid ul Adha food, you may also try eating some of the most popular desserts. The following are some of the most popular foods to eat on the first and second day of Eid. Listed below are some delicious Eid ul Adha foods:


While preparing for the feast, Muslims must save money for the sacrifice. They also buy presents for family members. Rearrange their homes and prepare them for the guests. And to top it all, they should soak in the great atmosphere of Eid. Read on to find out about the traditions of Eid ul Adha. So, get ready to enjoy a blessed Eid! Listed below are a few traditions of Eid ul Adha!

During Muslims sacrifice an animal to commemorate the first sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim, Isaac. Allah had instructed him to sacrifice his son, but He intervened in the last moment and spared the boy. As a result, Muslims sacrifice a goat or sheep on this day. The meat is then shared among friends, relatives, and the poor. The sacrifice is also a great way to bring the family together, as well as to honor the prophet Ibrahim.

Happy Reading!!!!

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