The ‘Wordle’ generates daily dopamine for two-thirds of its players


For more than two-thirds of those surveyed, Wordle is a daily shot of dopamine (a chemical substance closely related to well-being) and for 13% it implies a certain cost of productivity, by entertaining themselves during working hours, while the vast majority consider it a healthy entertainment that invites you to deal with language and logic. For some reasons and for others, the trendy online game has become the daily routine of millions of Internet users. They say hook your way.

Broadly speaking, the pastime consists of deducing a five-letter word before the sixth attempt, with the incentive that it is the same term for everyone and with the whole day to solve the enigma. In addition, the program offers the historical statistics of the results and invites you to share the achievement on social networks. The operation is identical to the Mastermind, with a color code that gives clues about the existence or the precise order of the letter in the hidden word.

Given the dimension of the online phenomenon, owned by the publishing company of The Wall Street Journal since last February 1, this editor has been encouraged to share through his social networks a brief questionnaire on the impact of Wordle in the lives of people who dedicate part of their time to the matter. Faced with a universe of professional participants close to a hundred players, mostly linked to the humanities and communication, 54.2% of those surveyed say that they finish the pastime in less than five minutes, compared to 29.2% who dedicate more than ten minutes and 12.5% ​​that consumes a quarter of an hour. In addition, 26.1% play with words while having breakfast and 13% during their visits to the bathroom.

The best thing about the invention is that three out of four people (70.8%) who solve the crossword puzzle feel very good when they see the five green letters, compared to 16.7% who recognize themselves crushed when they exhaust all the possibilities and reduces its success rate, a similar percentage for those who are indifferent to it. The curious thing about the case is not that 95.8% always play fair, but that 4.2% feel tempted to cheat, looking for the solution on the many websites that make the spoiler profitable.

16.7% play throughout the day, in lost ratios, while the majority of fans do it in one go (83.3%), after parking the rest of their occupations to later deal with the prank developed by Josh Wardle, father of a creature that has crept into the lives of millions of people so far this year. From the 90 players of November 1, 2021 to the millionaire figures at the beginning of the year.

Since copying a good idea is usually a good idea, clones of the prodigy have not been lacking, in multiple languages ​​and themes, including one composed solely of swear words. As in almost everything on the Internet, the gesture of sharing the number of attempts is part of the normality of 29.2% of the players, compared to 33.3% who do it sometimes and 29.2% who silence their abilities deductive. Of course, about 59.1% share the achievements with family members.

Usual tricks

Each player has their own method to overcome the daily challenge, but most tend to be faithful to an initial word. Among them, highlights audio, airplane, mother, fair, new, opera and dinner. Finding out the vowels involved is the most direct, as is discarding the n, r or s at the end of each word. However, those who seek inspiration in something related to current affairs are also gaining strength. Among the curiosities discovered in the domestic survey, the taste of certain profiles for filling the rows without special care stands out, even repeating incorrect letters, to play the game in the last attempt, “to life or death”, they say.


Happy Reading!!!!
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