Top 7 Most Common PC Issues

If you’re someone that has experience working with computers; which is just about everyone nowadays, then you already know how downright frustrating they can be. When everything works without hiccup, it’s an excellent, memorable experience. However, when things don’t work as they should, that’s when things start to become frustrating and annoying. Even the smallest of symptoms, such as a random restart or system freeze, can be indication of a much more severe problem – which could mean, having to consult the help of a professional.

For this reason, it’s no surprise that an entire industry built around PC support has arisen. However, the reality is, with a little knowhow, you can fix the vast majority of problems you’re likely to face, while working on your system.

Below you will find 7 of the most common PC issues that people are likely to face while using their system. So if you want to know how to properly tackle them, then continue reading.

1. Hard Drive Failure

The failure of your hard disc drive can have grave consequence for your computer. Fortunately, it is possible for you to replace a faulty drive. However, you need to do it as soon as possible, to avoid losing any of your precious data.

When it comes to data loss, essentially you’re prioritising only that data which cannot be replaced – such as personal files, documents etc. Programs and other such tools, usually can be re-downloaded, so they should be of little concern to you.

The first thing you want to do, right now, is start backing up your hard drive. Your hard drive could fail at any moment, and it can happen on both old and new hard drives. The likelihood of your drive failing, is based on a number of factors, such as size, brand, type etc…

All-in-all, you don’t know when you’re drive will fail, so it’s best that you prepare for it.

2. System Constantly Disconnects From Wi-Fi

If your system is constantly disconnecting from the net, then this is an issue that could arise from many different things, such as:

  • A broken (NIC) network interface card.
  • Outdated or corrupted network drivers.
  • Internet security software blocking internet access.

To fix this problem, the first thing you’ll want to do is look to update the drivers for your network card. Another trick you can try, is to look at the network adaptor power management settings. You’re operating system can be configured to optimise system power by turning off certain hardware devices, when they’ve been in an idle state for a set period of time. In certain situations, this feature can lead to your connection cutting out.

You can disable this feature by accessing Device Manager. Simple click on the Windows Key + R, then type devmgmt.msc into the Run command box, then click on OK. When Device Manager loads up, click on the > icon beside Network adaptors. Then double-click on your network family controller. This will bring up its Properties applet. From here, click on the Power Management Tab, then un-tick the box for Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power. Lastly, click on OK, and you’re done.

3. Black Screen

If you’ve turned your system on, but the screen remains black, this could be the result of several things. The first thing you’ll want to do is check your connections. Make sure the monitor is properly connected to your graphics card. If the problem occurs on your laptop system, then it’s most likely the result of a broken display. You can purchase a replacement for them, if you think you’re up to installing it yourself.

4. System Overheating

Whenever you turn your system on, large amounts of voltage immediately start to run through the various components on your systems board and components. This results in a build-up of incredible amounts of heat. This is consistent across all system components, such as graphics cards, CPUs, power supply units, hard drives (both internal and external) and you’re motherboard.

Some of these components work without hiccup under small amounts of heat. However, if the build-up of heat inside your computer becomes too much, then it can cause various components to crash or break down. That’s why your CPU comes with its own heatsink and fan. This is also true for power supply units and the most powerful graphics cards. These components have a heat threshold that they must not exceed, otherwise they will fail.

You should do your utmost to ensure none of the components within your system overheat.

5. Weird Noises

If you hear any unusual sounds coming from your system, this could be as a result of a damaged, or malfunctioning hardware component, or just a really noisy fan. Your hard drive will oftentimes start to make clicking sounds when you turn it on. This will go on for some time until it finally fails. So if you hear any of such sounds, that’s the perfect sign to start backing things up, or better yet, simply replace the drive – right now.

6. Keyboard Issues

If you turn on your computer, load up a word processing tool, then proceed to type on the keyboard, only for none of the letters to appear on the screen, this could be as a result of an enabled filter or toggle key. You can usually disable such features from the Control Panel. Simply search for Ease of Access (in the search bar), then click on Change how your keyboard works.

This will take you to the Make the keyboard easier to use screen. From here, simply un-tick the option for Turn on Filter keys and Turn on Toggle Keys, then click on Apply and OK.

7. Computer Keeps Freezing

Your computer is a highly complex piece of machinery that is capable of carrying out a great many operations, all at once. However, with that complexity, comes the shortfall of issues arising, such as system restarting and freezing. In the vast majority of cases, a system freeze can be solved, simply by restarting the computer.

If the system freeze persists, then it’s likely the result of a registry error, hardware limitation: like insufficient memory, virus (or malware) infection or data corruption. To get to the bottom of it, you will need to look into all of these potential causes.

Most applications will have minimum recommended specifications, which you can and should look at, before running them. You want to match that against your current system specs, to determine whether or not an upgrade is in order. You should also have sufficient internet security, in the form of antivirus and firewall tools, installed and running on your system. You could go a step further and invest in a security suite, which includes everything, from detecting and removing viruses, to optimising system performance from registry problems and the like.


Uchenna Ani-Okoye is a former IT Manager who now runs his own computer support website