What are the most effective time-tracking software options for employees in 2022?

The question of the best time-tracking software for employees is on the minds of many business owners. The need for an effective software solution can’t be understated, as this is a vital component of running a profitable business. In fact, more than half of employers today are currently tracking their employees’ time every day.

Time-tracking software options are increasingly popular, with many businesses looking to improve their productivity. Previously, time-tracking was only possible in the office and would have to be attended to by human resources or an outside service such as Asana or Trello. However, with the modern generation working remotely or in an entirely different time zone as a result of changing work schedules, it is important for companies to ensure that their employees are being paid for each minute spent working.

There is a push towards increased use of software to manage employees in the workplace. Time tracking software will allow you to get more accurate information on how many hours your employees spend each day and week, leading to a more efficient company.

How does time-tracking software work?

Time-tracking software gives you the tools and methods to help you increase your efficiency at work. It can also help accentuate steps you’re taking in order to move toward working smarter, instead of simply harder. Time-tracking apps can also be useful for keeping an eye on how much time you’re spending on specific assignments or projects as well, which can be invaluable in the present company that’s trying to cut costs where it can in order to stay afloat during economic uncertainty.

Benefits of Time Tracking Software for employees

Time-tracking software gives you the tools and methods to help you increase your efficiency at work. It can also help accentuate steps you’re taking in order to move toward working smarter, instead of simply harder. Time-tracking apps can also be useful for keeping an eye on how much time you’re spending on specific assignments or projects as well, which can be invaluable in a present company that’s trying to cut costs where it can in order to stay afloat during economic uncertainty.

Best Time Tracking Software for Employees in 2022

Time-tracking software gives you the tools and methods to help you increase your efficiency at work. It can also help accentuate steps you’re taking in order to move toward working smarter, instead of simply harder. Time-tracking apps can also be useful for keeping an eye on how much time you’re spending on specific assignments or projects as well, which can be invaluable in the present company that’s trying to cut costs where it can in order to stay afloat during economic uncertainty.

Employee time tracking software essentially allows you to monitor the time you spend on specific tasks. Since time is a precious commodity, time tracking gives you more clarity on what you’re spending it on and allows you to optimize the allocation of your time.

Top 8 Best Time Tracking Software for Employees

1. DeskTrack

Actually, DeskTrack is just a simple and effective time-management solution that can be used in any industry and organization. It’s easy to track people’s work hours directly on the computer or almost any mobile device because it is web-based so you will not have to install anything.

DeskTrack is one of the first personal-time tracking apps to hit the market, and its’ definitely worth considering. The only real issue we found is that the time-tracking element requires DeskTrack to be running, which can take away from how easy it is to actively use your desktop. That, and the slightly higher price are all reasons for us not to make DeskTrack our top pick. However, if you’re serious about time tracking, DeskTrack is definitely worth a try.

2. Clockify

For those interested in using Clockify for time-tracking purposes, the pros far outweigh the cons. The price is fair and there is a lot of useful Clockify reviews from previous clients that make it easy to see how well the software works before making a purchase. For someone who wants an easy and efficient way to track their time, this is a solid choice.

Clockify’s time-tracking software is an easy way to see where your money is going. It can help you to see where you’re wasting time, money, and resources.

3. Toggl

Toggl with time-tracking software is a great way to keep you on task and get stuff done. It will allow you to track your time quickly and easily so that you can see exactly what you are working on, how long it takes, and who you are working with. And it’s completely free to use. This tool is great for a number of reasons, including its flexibility, accuracy, and convenience, so if you want to time yourself while working on projects and tasks, then Toggl with time-tracking software just might be the solution for you.

Toggl is one of the best time-tracking and project management software available out there. As a browser extension or standalone desktop app, it features a simple user interface that helps you keep track of your time and client projects. It even works with the Pomodoro technique! Toggl tracks your time in 15-minute increments, which is helpful when working on short, focused tasks.

4. Hubstaff

There are other companies that offer time-tracking software, but we feel Hubstaff is the best. With an easy-to-use interface, affordable pricing plans, and the option for freelancers to invoice their clients for their services with Hubstaff, it has all the tools you need to run a successful business.

Keep an eye on your team with Hubstaff to make sure they are making the most of the time you give them. And whether you are managing one remote worker or a hundred, Hubstaff will help you keep your team accountable.

5. Harvest

Monitor employee performance, reduce payroll costs, and improve overall productivity. Many businesses hire employees based on their past credentials or potential rather than what they can actually achieve. New employees spend some time getting oriented and gradually increasing productivity over time. Time tracking with Harvest serves as a constant measure of performance, which helps spot discouraged workers early.

6. RescueTime

Time tracking software is an easy and effective way to manage your time, increase efficiency, and better understand how you spend your work day with RescueTime. It’s well worth the investment, especially for small business owners who depend on their employees to get real work done.

7. Time Doctor

Time Doctor is a great time-tracking tool for teams and individuals so that you can automatically generate P&L reports, allocate billable time to clients and tasks, and monitor time spent across your organization. The reporting dashboard provides management with actionable insights into productivity while encouraging employees to consistently work at peak efficiency. The hosted platform includes all the features of the software including invoicing, projects, timesheets, and more, plus cross-platform capabilities.

8. TimeFlip

TimeFlip is a full-featured time-tracking software for your Windows computer. However, simple usage of TimeFlip would be for personal time tracking as well. It has the best of both worlds: personal time tracking as well as professional time tracking. The best feature it also comes with storage space that allows you to manage tasks related to your personal life as well.


For employers, this means time tracking software for employees is here to stay, and it can help ensure that they’re getting the most bang for their buck. Employees also have more options to choose from, which means they can find a time-tracking tool that best fits their needs and preferences. Either way, ensuring accurate time-management practices will be important in the years to come. As technology progresses and more companies embrace productivity software, inaccurate tracking methods could harm a business’s bottom line if not caught soon enough. these time-tracking options give you the most data possible.