What is the Best Pet to have at home?

Before looking for a Pet to have at home, it is necessary to take different aspects into account to ensure the well-being of the animal, your safety and your comfort. Therefore, it is never advisable to rush the decision to have a pet, as you may later regret it or realize that your choice was not the most appropriate for your situation.

You do not necessarily have to choose a dog or a cat, as there are several affectionate pets to have at home that can be easier to maintain and care for. In this way, you will be able to learn from experts everything you need to know to have your new best friend.

How much time do you have for your care?

Not all species of animals need the same hours of care; therefore, you must choose a pet to have at home which you can dedicate the time required to give it a quality life.

  • I have enough time to dedicate to it: in this case, you probably want a pet that can accompany you for as long as possible. For that reason, a puppy may be the best option. Dogs need to be trained and require a lot of attention. Otherwise, they can suffer from stress, anxiety and even develop behavior problems. In addition, you should designate a time to walk him daily and, in this way, give him the exercise he needs.
  • I have an average time to dedicate to it: if you cannot dedicate many hours a day but you have time to have fun with your pet, then you can choose cats, rabbits, birds and even reptiles. These animals need some daily care, such as cleaning their habitat and a little interaction time, but they don’t need much more than that. They are independent animals that, although they can enjoy some time by your side, they also like to have fun by themselves and spend time alone.
  • I don’t have time: if your schedule is very tight but you still want to have a pet, then you can choose fish and rodents. They have defined habitats for them, they do not need daily interaction or cleaning and they live very well on their own. You will only have to feed them and clean their place occasionally. The best thing is that they don’t usually need to go to the vet often, so keeping them is also cheap.

What breed of dogs can you have in an apartment?

The best puppies to have in an apartment are those of a small breed, as these will be able to adapt more easily to the size of the place and will be comfortable. It is also possible to have large breed dogs, but this is not recommended, as many may feel uncomfortable and may not be able to expend the amount of energy they need on a daily basis.

If you are looking for dogs to have in an apartment, the most recommended breeds are the French bulldog, the English and the pug pug. These dogs are small and short-legged, so they are comfortable with small spaces and low places. In addition, they do not need much exercise and are relatively calm, so they do not usually cause problems.

In case you prefer more active breeds to interact with, you can choose

They are easily adaptable, playful dogs that love the attention of their family.

Finally, if you really want a large breed, the greyhound may be your best option. As long as you give them a chance to exercise outside, they’ll be happy to come home to sleep for the rest of the day. They are calm dogs with low energy levels.

Loving pets to have at home

Expenses to consider for a pet to have at home

The expense shared by all pets, regardless of whether they are pets to have in a flat or in a large house, is that of food. No matter what animal you choose to have, you will have to spend money for its food. Additionally, in certain cases you will need to acquire a suitable habitat and toys. In the case of rabbits, rodents, dogs and cats, these will need an occasional visit to the veterinarian. The last two species more frequently than the first.

Likewise, if you adopt a puppy, it is worth educating yourself a little about the care they need, because in addition to requiring training, many times they should eat specific foods or follow a series of routines.

The house must be conditioned to receive it

Receiving your pet to have at home needs some preparation.

pet at home
Pets at home
Pet to have at home

Make a space for her. A habitat for some and, for others, a safe space where they can rest or play.

Keep in mind the rules that must be followed and ask everyone in your house to respect them.

Secure doors and windows, as this will prevent your pet from escaping.

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Buy all the necessary items for their care: food, toys, medicines, etc.

Remove any plants that may be bad for pets’ health. Depending on the animal you have chosen, these can change.

With these tips you will be ready to welcome your new best friend into your home.