What is Trekking Meaning?

Mountains beckon outdoor enthusiasts with irresistible force. And now we are already packing a backpack, taking friends and going on a hiking trip. Or hiking? Or trekking? What is Trekking Meaning? “What’s the difference? Don’t confuse us, it’s the same thing.” you say. Borrowed words such as hiking, trekking, backpacking are becoming more and more common, and many use them as synonyms for hiking. Yes, the essence is similar, but there are some differences and features between these terms. Here we will talk about them in the article to avoid confusion.  

For us, as for all CIS countries, the word “hike” is more familiar and understandable, which we call any outings into nature, be it the simplest for 1-2 days, or technically complex expeditions for a month and a half. For Europeans and Americans, where mountain culture has been developing for a long time, the concept of hiking is more extended, and depending on the duration, conditions of the trail, food and accommodation, they distinguish between trekking, hiking and backpacking.

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Hike (non-categorical) – a hik e in the mountains, usually from 3 days to two weeks, which allows you to cover distances of about 30-100 km. Often the goal of such a route is not one point, but a whole mountain range, or a combination of mountain, plain, sea landscapes to make the trip more intense and picturesque. At the wishes of the group, deviations from the schedule and changes in the trip plan are possible. Hiking in the Carpathians, Georgia, Turkey, Cyprus, the Caucasus, the Pyrenees, the Fanes and Tien Shan can be attributed to this category. The complexity of such routes is low or medium, which allows beginners and people with average physical fitness to go hiking.

A categorical or sports hike is a complex and long hike that requires previous experience, training and special technical training. There are from the first (you have to sweat) and up to the sixth (full tin) categories. Categorical hikes are registered in the relevant ICC (route-qualification commission), after passing they are protected, the participants are assigned categories. For the first experience of a sports hike, we recommend going through a hike in Georgia 1 k.s. – Svaneti and Lake Toba 

Hiking meaning – what is it, features

Hiking ( from English hiking ) is a foreign version of a weekend hike. If our tourists prefer to go to wild places, away from people, in order to have a little rest from civilization in two days, then in Western countries 1-2-day hiking trips near settlements are very popular.

Hiking often involves hiking in the mountains along marked routes, with well-maintained trails, viewing platforms, hydration points and comfortable overnight stays in cabins or campsites with all amenities. The hiking route can be either linear, with overnight stays at different points, or overnight at the base with radial exits. This is mainly due to a more careful attitude to nature, numerous reserved and protected areas where it is forbidden to make fires, put up tents in the wrong place, and even walk past the beaten path.

A hiker’s backpack is usually quite light, without equipment, a change of clothes, and food. Only water, a small snack and a windbreaker. In our country, an example of hiking can be a hike along Borzhava quickly and lightly, climbing Hoverla with excursions to Yaremche. Among foreign destinations is a hike in Montenegro.

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Trekking meaning- what is it, how is it different from hiking

Trekking means ( from English trekking ) to go on an adventurous trips in woods or mountains essentially a multi-day hike. The main difference is that a tourist goes on a hike not for 1-2 days, but for several weeks. Trekking also takes place on marked trails, which are not recommended (for safety reasons, as in Nepal) or prohibited (for environmental reasons, as in Iceland). Overnight stays can be in equipped campsites (a special area where it is allowed to put up tents; often there is a shower, toilet, electricity), and in special houses or tourist shelters. You can take your own tents, but there are routes where each campsite has the opportunity to rent a tent so that you can go with a lighter backpack. Meals can be your own, or you can buy ready-made meals at each overnight stay. Most popular tracks:

Trekking in Nepal – overnight stays and meals in lodges, it is possible to hire a porter who will carry your things, and you will go light.

Trekking in Iceland – overnight stays in specially equipped campsites, but we carry our own tents and food.

Trekking in the Dolomites – overnight stays in tents on the territory of campsites, we go to the mountains without backpacks, we move between campsites by bus.

The Way of Santiago is a pilgrimage route between villages and cities, all overnight stays are in albergues (tourist shelters), food can be either prepared by you or in city cafes.

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Hiking and trekking – what to choose

There are categories of hikes that are difficult to attribute to one or another concept, they are combined, and, depending on the region and terrain, combine the characteristics of several types of hikes.

For example, a hike in Norway provides for overnight stays in tents, own meals, full-fledged backpacks with all the equipment, but in some places you can only camp in a certain camping area, and in some – at any point you like, most importantly, not on private territory.

A similar situation with the track in Patagonia – you will not be allowed into the Torres del Paine National Park without pre-booked campsites, but outside the park you can stop at any convenient place.

But hikes in Iceland and the Pyrenees include both full-fledged transitions with backpacks, and several days of radial light exits with a return to the original camp. Such days help to relax a little, as well as to see all the main attractions in the area.

It is also worth noting the routes that combine not only hiking with or without backpacks, but also transfers between points, which make it possible to see the maximum from the region in one trip. This type of trip can include, for example, a trip to America or Ireland, trekking in Peru and Patagonia.

When signing up for a hike, it is important to choose the right one that suits you best – hiking, trekking or a regular hiking trip.

If you are a beginner, have never been in the mountains and have not gone with a backpack, then you should pay attention to weekend hikes or small hikes. In such trips you will learn how to walk with a backpack, try to spend the night in tents, you will be able to understand whether your physical training is enough for longer trips, whether your equipment and shoes are suitable for more serious tests.

Also, for beginners in camping life (and experienced ones who want comfort), it is better to choose trekking for their vacation, in which you can get out into the wild, but at the same time not give up the benefits of civilization, such as more or less comfortable overnight stays, showers, toilets.

For those who want to completely disconnect from the daily routine, reboot and enjoy the real wilderness without the intervention of mankind, it is worth opting for hiking trips with backpacks and spending the night in tents, where you need to cook your own food, collect firewood, and look for water.

But in fact, you should not bother much with the terminology. Hiking, trekking and hiking is an opportunity to see the mountains, visit at their feet, enjoy the incredible landscapes, feel their strength and beauty. Choose the most suitable program, test yourself and get maximum pleasure and vivid memories!