Writing a White Paper: Why and How?

In the lead magnet category, the white paper stands out as the most popular medium. This technique is very popular with anyone who wants to attract qualified contacts. It is part of content marketing, which is based on the creation and distribution of quality, useful and informative content. A free guide is therefore an essential tool for the success of this method. It is necessary to fully understand the stakes of its writing in order to be able to optimize it. You still wonder if such a manuscript is really the strategy to adopt for your market sector? Find out in this article why and how you absolutely must write one.

The white paper, what is it?

This practical guide is a digital document of about ten pages which develops a particular theme, intended for Internet users of your website. They can download this top-of-the-range, or “premium”, text for free if they fill out a contact form. This technique allows you to capture prospects who explore your website.

Writing a white paper is part of a content marketing plan. It consists in offering its readers quality, useful, clear and complete information on a subject that you master perfectly. This very high value-added content is particularly popular and essential in the context of inbound marketing. This informative booklet allows you to convert your visitors into contacts and then into potential customers.

The benefits of a free textbook in your content marketing strategy

Capture leads

The main objective of this method is to attract new consumers. After completing the conversion form, they will be able to download your document for free. Thus, you will be able to contact qualified leads, or “potential customers”, interested in your offer. This premium support convinces your new contact that you are made for them. A win-win relationship is created between the two parties: on the one hand the Internet user benefits from a quality guide and on the other hand, you expand your mailing list. This methodology is essential to convert visitors to your website and establish a relationship of trust.

Showcase your expertise

This type of support allows you to enhance your image and your expertise. By providing specific solutions to your target, you demonstrate your know-how and skills. If the reader is impressed with your knowledge of the market and the answers you give them, they will want to contact you.

Generate traffic

If after reading your manual, the Internet user does not get in touch with you, he still remains in your database. You can therefore easily send him additional information by e-mail. Recontacting him will allow him to remember you, encourage him to return to visit your website and thus bring you natural traffic.

The best tips to optimize your practical guide

Determine your persona

A persona, or “buyer persona”, is a representation of your ideal customer, the one who will buy your products or services. In other words, this is your target audience. Since Internet users do not give their contact details easily, writing a successful white paper requires a phase of reflection beforehand. Then you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What type of client do I want to attract with this manuscript?
  • What is the problem with my persona?

Do not try to target everyone, otherwise you risk not satisfying anyone. This amounts to targeting an audience that is too large and less engaged: more views, but fewer conversions.

To go further, find out how to generate qualified traffic on your site.

Design an optimized landing page

The landing page is the page where a user lands after clicking on a link. It contains a form that requests certain personal data from the reader in return for the free booklet. He then has two choices: perform an action or leave the page. It is therefore necessary to pay particular attention to it by taking care of both the content and the form. It must include:

  • a title with a clear and catchy promise;
  • a descriptive and well-written text of your offer;
  • an attractive visual;
  • a conversion form;
  • a call to action or “CTA” (Call to Action).

Regarding the collection of information, it is recommended to keep it light (surname, first name, e-mail and telephone number) in order to encourage the reader to download your document.

Structure content and make it memorable

The form of your manuscript is almost as important as the content. You can apply the AIDA method (Attention – Interest – Desire – Action):

  • Attention: capture attention with bright colors and a powerful title.
  • Interest: identify the needs of the prospect and show that you are the right person to follow.
  • Desire: trigger the desire to go further, show the immediate benefits and the relevance of your offer.
  • Action: give a precise instruction and a good reason to carry it out.

Content is king. Create a unique text, with an added value that will have to answer the problem of your visitors. Writing a booklet requires conciseness, subtlety and precision as same as book writing companies. It should in no way reflect a commercial issue, but is required to make the Internet user understand that you are able to meet their expectations.

Promote your white paper

Promotion is essential to get many downloads of your guide and thus collect a multitude of new prospects. This is why you must promote it on all the media that are available to you:

  • Your website: this is the best place to submit your booklet.
  • Your social networks: they bring you great visibility and organic traffic.
  • An e-mailing campaign: distributed to your contacts, this document promotes your services and builds customer loyalty through information.
  • Guest articles: make your manual known through a reference site in your field.

As you will have understood, the white paper is an essential tool for the success of your content marketing strategy. This high-end content is accessible to every business, but it requires technical skills to benefit from all its advantages. If you do not have the editorial qualities in-house, do not hesitate to call on a web editor. His expertise and his perfect mastery of web writing will guarantee you a certain success with your readers!

Happy Reading!!!!
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