Your Front End Development Should Ask You These Questions

Web development has a very wide definition. It starts from developing the simplest static single page to the most complex web-based internet applications. For large firms and companies, web development can be hundreds of developers. A front end development is a software engineer or technician who is specifically is in charge of the development of web applications, or distributed network software applications that are running HTTP protocol from a web server to a web browser.

Hiring a developer is more expansive than a webmaster. But, if you decide to have one, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What kind of services will you be offered?
  2. What is the frame work will be done?
  3. Can the chosen web developer meet your deadline?
  4. How fast is the technical support?
  5. How much will cost you?

Creating a web site likes building a house. Preparing the plan is essential and important because it is easier to make the changes that broken the foundation. Not impossible, but time-consuming and expensive. For these issues your web developer should ask you these questions:

  1. What is your website object?
  2. What is the main purpose of the site
  3. Who is the site visitor?
  4. Who will maintain the site and the effectiveness?
  5. What kind of content does the site have?
  6. Have you chosen the domain name
  7. Who is your hosting provider company?
  8. Have you analyze your competitor’s sites

And after all the above-mentioned questions, the web-developer should ensure you that the following requirements will be in your website:

• well-promoted, easy to navigate and use
• displays privacy/security policies
• compatible with a wide range of platforms and browsers
• loads quickly and regularly updated
• well-structured, well-written and comprehensive information
• an attractive and consistent
• includes appropriate interactivity
• is well-ranked by the search engines

You need a developer to create interactive parts. PHP, Perl, ASP, JavaScript, Java are programming languages run by your technician. Of course, flash is another programming device managed by a web-developer. These languages typically used by both a front end web developer and web designer. The role of the web-developer is to integrate the elements of a website into HTML for the interactive features to united together properly. The responsibilities of your developer is to optimize the graphics for the website and producing media such as online audio, flash and streaming media as well as integrating functions to the site. Another responsibility is to handle cross-browser optimization and making sure the web site looks good on different browsers.

Finally, do your homework before hiring anyone. You do not need to be an expert, but you need to know your need to find someone doing the job for you. Asking for reference is a very important fact and starting with small projects will help you to find out whether the hired developer is capable of the job or not.

These languages typically used by both a web-developer and web designer. The role of the web-developer is to integrate the elements of a website into HTML for the interactive features to united together properly. The responsibilities of your developer is to optimize the graphics for the website and producing media such as online audio, flash and streaming media as well as integrating functions to the site