10 Foods to Eat to Prevent Health Issues

Everything you eat can have a lasting effect on your health and wellness, eating too fast or not eating enough. Your diet plays several critical roles. Not only does the food you eat give you energy, but it provides all of your bodily functions and organs with the nutrients they need to function properly, including your brain and heart. You already know that eating unhealthy junk food leads to weight gain, but you may not quite understand that eating healthy can improve your health in more ways than weight loss alone. Here are foods to eat to prevent health issues. 

  1. Berries

Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries aren’t just something you crave on a hot summer day; they’re filled with disease-fighting antioxidants that can help prevent health issues. When experts tell you to make sure you’re eating a variety of colors, they’re talking about berries. Whether they’re red, black, or blue, berries can help neutralize free radicals that damage your cells and lead to chronic issues, including cancer and heart disease. Of course, there’s no way to truly prevent cancer, but eating right can help your body fight off infection and other health concerns. 

Cranberries, in particular, are known for their role in protecting the urinary tract. Many experts agree that these berries can help prevent and fight urinary tract infections, a painful illness that can last up to a few weeks if not treated properly. 

Try eating a cup of berries a day whenever they’re in season. They make a great snack, but you can put them in cereal or yogurt, muffins, or smoothies. 

  1. Dairy Products

Dairy products are the best way to get your daily dose of calcium, but they’re also packed with protein and vitamin D. Dairy products, including milk, can help keep your bones strong throughout your life. Unfortunately, many people are lactose intolerant and can’t have dairy. If you’re unable to consume dairy, consider other foods rich in calcium, such as legumes, leafy greens, and fortified soy products. 

While dairy’s claim to fame is supporting bone health, it can also aid in weight loss as part of a calorie-controlled diet. Low-fat dairy products are great snacks and contain carbs and protein that you need to stay focused on work, so try to pack a lunch with at least one serving of dairy every day. 

  1. Fish

Fish is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that can help fight diseases by lowering blood fats and preventing blood clots often associated with heart disease. Getting enough fatty fish each week can help reduce the risk of heart disease, and it can also help you lose weight because it’s packed with protein to keep you feeling fuller for longer. If you’re vegetarian, protein is still an important part of your diet, so consider checking out some tasty vegan protein shakes as an alternative.

  1. Leafy Greens

Dark, leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, are loaded with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, magnesium, iron, and antioxidants. Eating magnesium-rich foods may help reduce the risk of diabetes, but since leafy greens are packed with tons of nutrients, they may improve your health in other ways, too. 

  1. Whole Grains

Whole grains are filled with soluble fiber that can lower blood cholesterol levels while improving your digestion and making you feel fuller for longer. Whole grains also contain folic acid, selenium, and vitamin B, all of which are important to overall health, weight loss and control, and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

You can find whole grains in oatmeal, whole wheat bread, quinoa, brown rice, and cereals, so you can have whole grains at every meal. 

  1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes aren’t just for Thanksgiving. Sweet potatoes are a healthy alternative to white potatoes because they contain antioxidants, vitamins C and E, folate, calcium, iron, and potassium. Sweet potatoes are also filled with fiber, especially in the skin, which can promote a healthy digestive tract and help you feel fuller for longer to prevent weight gain. 

Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet, so you can avoid sugar cravings at the end of the night and instead dine on simple food that doesn’t require any seasoning to taste great. 

  1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes make a great base for sauces and taste great in any salad. Since tomatoes are a fruit, you may have already guessed that they’re healthy for you. Tomatoes contain an antioxidant called lycopene that may protect against some forms of cancer. They’re also packed with vitamins A and C and potassium. 

You can eat tomatoes raw, sliced, cooked, or diced to make them a great addition to any meal or snack. 

  1. Beans

You already know beans are good for your heart, but they’re packed with high-quality protein that can help you lose weight and feel full throughout the day. Beans also contain fiber, iron, and magnesium, making them a great source for vegetarians and vegans. Eating beans may also help reduce the risk of some cancers and lower blood cholesterol while stabilizing blood sugar. Beans are a versatile food, and you can find new ways to incorporate them into your snacks and meals, such as soups, stews, and chip dips!

  1. Nuts

Nuts are full of delicious and healthy fats, which can help lower cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease. Nuts also contain protein, fiber, and vitamins E and A. Eating a handful of nuts in the afternoon can help you maintain your momentum through long work days and beat hunger. However, be mindful of how many nuts you’re eating. Because they’re so small and delicious, it can be easy to eat too many in one sitting. Try to limit yourself to just a handful of nuts a day. 

  1. Chicken

Don’t forget about chicken! Chicken is an affordable protein that can help you lose weight because it’s low in calories. Of course, we’re talking about grilled chicken. Fried chicken and breaded chicken are unhealthy if you eat them every day, but overall, chicken is a filling meal that can help prevent hunger later in the day. 

Final Thoughts

Everything you eat impacts your health and wellness. When you eat too much junk food, you may feel lethargic or unmotivated. Instead, aim to eat healthier meals and snacks that can help you maintain your energy all day long. 

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a contributing writer at 365businesstips.com where she shares knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, or financial tips. During her free time she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music. 

Happy Reading!!!!

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