3 Easy Mentalism Tricks That Can Make You Famous

Mentalism Tricks

We all love magic tricks, right? Especially when anyone can perform mentalism tricks, they will naturally draw the attention of others around them. As a result, people of all ages will enjoy your performance.

At the same time, there are several magic apps nowadays that serve the purpose of entertainment. However, the concept of mental magic is unique. It is based on psychic phenomena. Let us now look over some of the easy mentalism tricks in this article.

Have A Look At Some Of The Cool Mentalism Tricks That Can Stun The Audience

Have you watched the famous show, The Mentalist? If you have, you can easily understand what we are discussing now. Mentalists use their sharp and powerful observation power to read the audience’s minds. Let us now discuss some cool mentalism tricks that can instantly make you famous and help you draw the audience’s attention.

Gray Elephants From Denmark

This is one of the simplest tricks you can do with any audience. Firstly, you have to ask the audience to think of a number between 1 to 10 and multiply by 9. Now ask them to add the digits together and subtract by 5. Finally, here comes the crazy part that only you will know!

No matter what number they choose, their final answer will be 4. It is just a funny quirk of math. Now ask the audience to assign each letter of the alphabet a number, i.e., 1 for A, 2 for B, etc. You have to tell them to stop when they reach their number, which you already know is 4, so the letter is D. Next, ask them to think of a country that begins with that same letter. Since the letter is “D,” mostly everyone will think of Denmark.

You can now ask them to choose an animal with the next letter of the alphabet, E, so most people will think of elephants. Finally, ask them to think of the animal’s color, gray. So you will already guess their answer, “Gray elephants from Denmark.” If you want to know more details, check out cobra-magic.

It’s Always Five

You can always use basic Maths to convince people that you can read minds. It is pretty similar to the earlier trick. So ask your audience to think of any number. Tell them to add the next highest number to that first number (if they choose 20, ask them to add 21). Then ask them to add nine and divide by two. Finally, subtract the original number. So no matter what number they choose, the answer will always be five.

The Rainbow Ruse

This classic mentalist trick makes your audience feel that you seem to know a lot about them. However, the trick is just simple psychology. So firstly, tell someone that you can ‘read’ their personality and say a characteristic they have, along with the opposite quality. One is true among the two vague statements for pretty much everyone, right?

Here is the trick. Since each person thinks they are unique, they will see your statement as a vivid reading of their personality. You can also look at magic apps to learn more tricks.

Ending Note

So as we conclude, we can say that mentalism tricks are indeed popular nowadays. Therefore, if you are interested in knowing about them, a look at the article.

Happy Reading!!!!

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