9 Advantages of LED Lighting You Must Know!

Advantages of LED Lighting

LED bulb has suppressed their popularity over other forms of bulbs due to many reasons. Various design, colours, and low power consumption make it identical.

Want to know in detail what these LED lights have to offer? Without further ado, let’s begin:

9 Advantages of LED Lighting Over Conventional Lights

Compared to the popularity and the position they hold in the lighting industry, it certainly goes with them. In fact, they hold all kinds of potential to change the entire lighting pattern of an organization by causing a drastic fall in the electricity expense and the overall energy usage.

Here are the top 09 advantages of LED lighting that you will enjoy upon buying one:

1.    Convenient Design

The size of the LEDs is extremely small, about the size of a paper spec.

Starting from brightening shop floors to major league football stadiums – they can do it all with complete ease! Nowadays, you can find it in various designs, such as LED light bulbs that look like flames, making them ideal for decorating purposes.

All credit goes to their convenient size!

2.    Long-life span

Compared to the standard incandescent bulbs, the longevity of the LED Lighting bulbs is extremely high. For instance, the average lifespan of this kind of bulb is about 1000 hours which is around 50,000 hours in the case of an LED light.

Based on your usage and how you use it, the lifespan can be increased to as long as 100,000 hours. This means, that a LED light can last anywhere ranging from 6 to 12 years without needing to replace it – which is 40 times longer than a standard incandescent bulb.

Now coming to the fluorescent, a LED light lasts for at least 2 to 4 times longer. As a result, starting from the replacement expenses to the maintenance expenses – a lot of money gets saved up!

3.    Can Withstand Any Weather

Unlike the traditional lighting sources, LED Lighting can endure can weather conditions with total class. No matter how much there is a drop in the temperature, they will still perform better.

This is something which is impossible in the case of the traditional lights. As whenever there is a decline in the temperature, especially fluorescent lamps. They need much high voltage to operate, which thus causes the intensity of the light to diminish.

No wonder why the LED lights are always the 1st choice when it comes to picking the light required for the freezers, meat lockers, cold storage spaces, parking lots, etc.

4.    Less Heat & UV Emission

If you have the experience of changing an incandescent bulb right after it fuses, you will certainly see that it gets extremely hot whenever in use. It is because they use 90% of the energy while allocating the rest 10% to the actual light production.

While, in the case of the LEDs, the scenario is quite different. They emit almost no heat, and most of the emission occurs within the visible spectrum – making them perfect for lighting up various kinds of artworks degraded with time due to their high exposure to the Ultra-Violet rays.

5.    Energy-Efficient Operation

It is another leading advantage of LED lighting. As not this lighting creates less wastage light but at the same time produces more useful lumens compared to the varied lighting technologies.

In fact, if you can replace all the lighting of your premises, you will notice a drastic improvement of 60% to 70% in the overall energy efficiency. And this ratio can get increased up to 90% based on what type of light you are exchanging and the type of LED lighting you are using.

These improvements are directed linked to your economical savings. Such as, when you do a replacement of the traditional light source with an LED lighting, then ultimately, the energy usage will go straight down at high speed – making them a smart investment for all time!

6.    Low-Voltage Compatibility

If your company is located in a place where natural disaster takes place frequently, then certainly you will want this kind of light that will need as less voltage as possible. LED lighting are perfect for tackling hits kind of situations as they can operate on a very low voltage.

Besides, using a low voltage system ensures your safety from various hazardous situations like fatal shocks, etc.

So, even if someone touches any electrical components by mistake, then there will be nothing to worry about also. As a low-voltage lighting system producing 12 volts is always much safer compared to a line voltage system generating 120 volts.

7.    Dimming Capabilities

LED lights operate very well at almost any kind of power percentage, ranging from 5% to 100%. This percentage usually varies, depending on the lighting sources. For example, metal halides don’t perform as efficiently when dimmed. In fact, most of the time, they cannot even dim at all.

While, in the case of the LED lights, they are the exact opposite. Such as, when you use moderate power on an LED, it performs much more efficiently, ultimately increasing its lifespan and lessening the overall energy expenses.

8.    Environmental-friendly  

As a responsible human being, you must use eco-friendly products. After all, we have to think of nature. Otherwise, in the long run, we will be the ultimate sufferer.

Luckily, LED lights are here to the rescue!

They have effectively combined all the key attributes that will put much stress on the natural environment and resources. They are 100% recyclable, energy-efficient, and don’t contain any toxic pollutants.

Moreover, their long lifespan ensures less wastage, while the chemical compounds responsible for the lighting colour are also completely harmless to the environment.

9.    Directionality

Usually, conventional lighting delivers light at 360 degrees around the source of light. To light up a particular space, you have to buy other accessories in that direction.

However, with an LED light, you will not face any such issues as they light up at 180 degrees – making them perfect for industrial kitchens, hallways, bathrooms, artwork, etc.


Although LED lights may cost more than the traditional lighting sources, compared to all the advantages they offer, they are certainly a profitable investment in the long run.

Be it cost-saving or lessening the energy usage – they take care of everything. No wonder why they are so popular among people, especially in business applications.

See more: What You Get for the Basement Egress Window Cost

Happy Reading!!!!

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