Mold Testing NYC: Several Methods To Select From

Mold Specialists

The presence of mold within the household is a normal occurrence and you can detect the presence likewise. Mostly, you can easily predict molds by observing your wood furniture and walls, and places such as kitchen and bathrooms. In addition, a specific odor that is musty appears within the household and also assists in the detection of molds. Apart from easy identification and presence, you still need to know what removal methods and services come along with professional mold testers and removers. 

1.     Gravity Plates 

Gravity plates happen to be the basic technology or tool that can test for molds in your household. They appear as thin dishes that can help to obtain wide and diverse information about molds. In essence, these plates can test for molds that are suspended in the air whereas testing over surfaces and materials is also a possibility. Moreover, this method makes use of tap testing processes to indicate mold presence. For further analysis, you can send mold samples to a laboratory that can even provide detailed analysis. 


  • Inexpensive 
  • You can perform a DIY test for mold presence 
  • Future detailed analysis is possible through a laboratory 


  • Can only detect live molds that is mold present indoor 
  • Mostly used by doctors only 
  • Industrial use is not favorable and encouraging 

2.     Swab/Tape Life/ Bulk

The use of swabs is also reaching Mold Testing NYC kits since the glue and adhesive features make for a perfect testing phenomenon. In addition, the biggest positive of these three elements is that they can test for molds in places that can be hard to access. These include ductwork, HVAC systems, windowsills, doorframes, air vents, below carpets, drywall, and behind the wallpapers. Swabs come with a microfiber tip that absorbs mold samples. Tape lift is all about the glue on the tape that sticks to the mold samples. And bulk samples refer to places where molds happen to be growing


  • Inexpensive 
  • Detects for live and dead mold likewise 
  • Ideal and useful for suspected and visible mold testing 


  • Generally, it only samples a small surface 
  • Health symptoms will not find a warning with this method and kit 

3.     Spore Trap 

While all the other mold testing methods and kits happen to be household-friendly, this one is the industry standard method. In addition, the spore trap method is favorable when testing industrial spaces in higher areas. Moreover, the testing frequency can be mostly wayward since the detection duration only lies around 5 minutes. This method is suitable for testing mold present in the air. Being low cost, they do promote bulk testing however most inspectors make use of this method. Thus, additional costs can be a worrying sign here. 


  • Inexpensive but only per test cost 
  • Perfect fit for industries and is a standard test for them 


  • This method requires special equipment 
  • Sampling time is short, around 5 minutes 

When wanting a professional testing service that can utilize all methods with perfection, we can suggest calling Five Boro Mold Specialists. They happen to offer a chunk of all services in each testing method. Thus, they make it easier to perfectly detect mold presence. 

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