Best places to find the user manual of your phone online

By finding the user manual of your phone, you will figure out how to get the most out of it. This is where you should start browsing through the online sources where you can find the user manual. Out of available sources to find the user manual, few websites stand out. Let’s take a quick look at what those websites are.

  1. is one of the best websites available out there to find a user manual for an Android device. You can find the user manuals of all popular Android devices on this website. Once you go to the website, you can find a search engine. You just need to enter the brand and model of your device in here. Then you will be able to figure out the user manual of your Android device. If you prefer to read the user manual online, you can do it directly from this website. Or else, you will be able to download the user manual in PDF format. This is a simple and easy to use website. Therefore, we strongly recommend it to anyone who is looking forward to downloading user manuals.


This website offers free PDF user manuals for more than 700,000 devices. They include phones as well. Another broad selection includes technology, power tools, household items, auto audio, etc. Although the website didn’t offer some devices such as printers on the list, it includes a predictive search option that narrows the search terms as you enter. Additionally, you may utilize the search criteria to search by Category and then Brand.

If no manual is accessible, it kindly provides a direct hyperlink to the manufacturer’s support page. You may download and save/print the PDF or read it on the website. Once again, beware of the advertisements!


This website offers more than 3 million free PDF owner’s manuals. a broad variety, including computer-related items, furniture, lawnmowers, board games, and automobile instructions.

As you enter, a useful predictive search function helps you focus your search results. If the model number is somewhat different or if there is and over one PDF accessible for that product, such as a quick start guide and a comprehensive user manual, related documents are included below the search results. The green colored Download button located at the top of the screen takes you to a typical reCAPTCHA verification to “Get Manual,” where you may read the PDF online or download it to save or print it.

  • ESI

Offers a variety of component spec sheets, service manuals, IC diagrams, and schematics for a variety of electronic equipment. This website is primarily intended for engineers and technicians, not end consumers. Not as thorough as the other sites since it is much more specialized. User forums that are active might be useful for repairs and troubleshooting.

The majority of manuals are in PDF, ZIP, or RAR format, which you may download and save/print. Once again, beware of the advertisements! You may filter searches via manufacturer as well as product type but there is no predictive search option.


More than 800,000 user manuals available in PDF. Technology, household appliances, toys, and music are all available for free manual download. There is no predictive search option, however you may search by product name or manufacturer first. The website’s PDF may be viewed there, or you can download it and save it. Once again, beware of the advertisements!

Take a look at any of these websites and get your hands on the user manual for your device.

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