Bugs Getting In? 5 Ways to Get Rid of Pesky Critters This Fall

Summer is settling down, and with it, the heat and humidity are slowly subsiding. Fall is such a special and nostalgic time where the crisp air brings back a flood of memories. With it, the desire to be outside increases. Fresh air is quintessential to fall, and as it becomes more and more enjoyable to be outside many people seek to find creative ways to be outside or open a window. Unfortunately, along with the glorious weather where it is not miserable outside, bugs and pests can still also be out in full force. There is nothing worse than dealing with unwanted pests and bugs. Especially when the weather is cooling down and the fresh air makes you want to do nothing more than keep your doors and windows open. Many people opt to add a magnetic screen door to their back door, so they can enjoy the changing of the seasons without unwanted critters making their way inside too. Magnetic door screens are an affordable and easy addition to your backyard set up to make sure you get the most out of open air living this fall. For others, their quick fixes to their critter problem may be a little more intense or involved. Luckily, we’ve consulted the experts and done the dirty work so you don’t have to. Here is a comprehensive list on all the ways to get rid of pesky critters this fall.

  1. Utilize Magnetic Door Screens

As mentioned above, adding a magnetic door screen to your front or back door is an easy way to be able to let the fresh air into your home this Fall while keeping the bugs out. Most windows have screens which means you can do lots of open air living that way, but most doors don’t come with that same opportunity. A Magnetic door screen allows you to hear and see your children play outside and they are also great for pets! Magnetic door screens are an affordable alternative to installing a doggy door. While adding some filtration from bugs and nature that would inevitably come in if the door was wide open, they create the perfect opportunity for outdoor living on days when the weather is nice and hands-free living whether carrying groceries, carrying your child, or bringing steaming hot food in from the grill on the back deck. 

2.Dim Your Outdoor Lights

It is common that outdoor lights attract bugs. Lots of critters and pests are actually magnetically drawn towards lights. Many pest experts actually recommend changing your outside bulbs to something less attractive to your unwanted guests. Many companies sell lightbulbs that are a color that is far less attractive to bugs, than the standard light bulb. Yellow bug lights are a creative alternative for your back porch. By emitting lower frequency lighting, they are less visible to bugs which will increase the time you’re able to spend outside in the evening before being overrun by the bugs. 

3.Seal Up Holes or Gaps 

As we prepare for Fall, the drop in temperature is an instigator of squirrels, rats, possums, and mice to come looking for a warmer place to make their home. With that, home wonders are constantly looking for ways to keep their home protected from pests. Keeping unwanted visitors out is sometimes as simple as having an inspector come out to look for gaps or holes in your walls, attic, basement, or cabinets that pests may be trying to enter into. From there, you can choose to seal off any of those holes that can be found around pipes or vents. Many professionals will tell you that it’s better to get your house inspected first before moving forward in sealing off holes as you may inadvertently risk sealing dead rodents in your walls. 

4.Try Traps or Poison

Depending on the type of pest, it may be time to run to your local hardware store and pick up some traps, poison, or spray. Traps tend to be more humane because you can still release the critter after they are caught instead of fully killing it. Do some research about the different types of bugs or pests that are infiltrating your home as the weather cools down, and choose accordingly what would be the best fit for you and your lifestyle

5.Trim Hedges Touching your Home

It is important to maintain the hedges, trees, and plants up against your home. This is a key component in deterring insects from entering your home. Bushes and branches which are up against your home or touching your house will make it far more easy for insects to enter. By maintaining your property, and keeping trash and landscaping clear, you are doing the proper preventative maintenance to make sure those pests stay outside where they belong. 

Happy Reading!!!!
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