Category: Top Stories

Surprise your lover: 8 ideas to spice up your relationship

Routine kills love slowly. When the wonder of the first moments gives way to habits, it’s time to react. You have to be creative then, to surprise your man. To maintain the flame of the beginning, you must make efforts. So consider time as your ally, and don’t let the cares of life defeat you. […]

6 Business Coaching Myths and Reality

Myth no 1 “Coaching is expensive and I have to save.” Reality? A healthy and well-managed business translates into savings and better profitability. “Coaching teaches you how to spot inefficiencies in your business and eliminate them, so you can achieve more savings in the long run, coached hundreds. If you don’t address these issues, they […]

Seven reasons to hire a mobile app agency

Building an app is a great way to reach consumers — especially now that more consumers than ever are using smartphones. Studies show that there will be 6.1 billion smartphone users by 2020, almost 70% of the world’s population. However, creating an application is not easy. In fact, for many businesses, it can be cost […]

How to take care of your child?

Every woman should at least once in her life experience the joy of motherhood, feel how her baby grows, how he gains strength and gradually achieves more and more success. It is believed that the maternal instinct in the fair sex is activated at school, and with age it only becomes stronger. Often, girls like […]

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