Challenges of managing online admissions

That time of the year has arrived when every student looks up all the opportunities they can grab regarding their education. By and large, students try to look for good high schools, or colleges they can apply for.

The things they look for most are a good faculty so that they can depend entirely on the institution for learning and not avail of extra tuition classes, a good campus that is known for providing great placement options and career counseling, and a certified proof of their institution to give a guarantee that it has been providing with great education service for years now. Students concerned about their future always pick those institutions which match their personal goals. For example, students who are already pursuing their career options look for school learning management systems that have hybrid or online classes available, and those who don’t believe in online education look for complete on-campus facilities. 

What remains the same is the admission process. Not entirely, but the majority of the factors of every school admission management system remain the same. Here are some challenges that students face, and misjudge and institutions. Solutions to this are provided to allow institutions to improvement in their admission management system;

Online application form

Students have popularly expressed their liking towards a user-friendly application form over a complicated and overly official one. Sometimes, an institution puts too much effort into creating an application form which is rather intimidating because the students are not sure about how and what to fill them that. 

A known user-friendly application form can cause a lot of frustration to students and parents when filling it out online, mostly because unlike offline forms they cannot get back to their help desk and ask questions. To make a firm user-friendly the application management system and its options should be as simple as possible, easy to navigate, and mobile friendly. The way it appears on a mobile phone or another device should be different from the desktop site view. It initially needs some kind of investment from the institution, but this is where investments matter since the first impression of the institution is through the online application form.

Help desk and query resolution

No matter how simple an application form is designed, students will always need help. The institution needs to train some members of the administration and temporarily put their work on hold to meet up admission requirements. 

One smart way of solving the problem are you doing an expert individual to help students by allowing senior volunteers to do the task since they have been a part of the institution for long enough to know about the processes. Since they use the school management system and also other software provided, they will know the pattern and requirements of the institution better than a person in the administration. The problem with other individuals in the administration is that they aren’t the ones who are studying in the school, they are only responsible for looking over particular departments and are specialized in those departments only. A student, on the other hand, uses almost every system and is the best guide to other potential students willing to be a part of the institution.

There are three main types of resolution to all the queries; Through emails, which is not very helpful because it takes a long time for emails to be exchanged and checked constantly by the parents and office administration. 

Through live chat, where chatbots can be assigned for general query resolutions on FAQ. It is a great way to reduce the burden on the office administration. And the third is through helpline systems over online or normal calls. This telephonic support is the best way to resolve student doubts because it guarantees an immediate response from the institution, and leaves students and parents satisfied with the quality of help they receive from an actual person rather than a chatbot. It builds student trust.

Admission confirmation and fees collection

Institutions should make a point to make their website seem as simple and legit as possible. There are some payment options and methods that might come off as sketchy to extremely aware students. It would automatically repel them. The admission confirmation should also the directly made by the institution itself through an official digital confirmation email or on their provided phone number.

Happy Reading!!!!

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