Choosing a hair restoration clinic – bigger is not necessarily better

When buying a hair transplant or hair restoration surgeon, there are many things to consider, including: the surgeon’s qualifications and experience, the costs and type of surgery, and whether a large or small office is better suited to your needs. It is important to choose a doctor with at least 5 years of experience in hair transplantation and one who specializes in this particular type of surgery. Ideally, the surgeon of your choice is well versed in follicular unit transplantation (FUT), the modern gold standard for hair transplantation techniques. Ask your doctor to understand where to use this technique. Some clinics advertise FUT, but may only use it in a small area of ​​the graft (ie, the hairline) or may not use microscopic dissection.

Try to find a practice that values ​​the hair, not the graft or the follicle unit.

According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS), “Never choose a doctor just for the lower costs.” They recommend that you discuss your complete medical history, including past and present medications, surgical benefits, risks, and alternatives; total costs, including costs of surgery, anesthesia, units, etc. with the future surgeon. Discuss its policies regarding complementary or review procedures, postoperative care, and the typical schedule of return to work and social activities.

Both large and small practices have clear advantages and disadvantages.

 As the Hair Transplant clinic in Dubai industry is a niche market, it is also service and customer oriented. While larger practices may attract high-quality staff, physicians in these practices may often be more based on income and rates and tend to see the patient as a number on a spreadsheet and not personally interested. Of him or her. .

Less practice may allow for better quality control and may give the individual more time with the physician. In addition, smaller offices may have a greater interest in operating the outcome of the operation and may therefore receive recommendations from satisfied customers. In a smaller office, the doctor will usually offer more personalized services and products, because they know that you will be a future ambassador of their work.

While larger clinics can handle a larger number of cases

, you can choose a smaller office if it is important for you to have more personal services. Often, there is a greater change in staff in larger practices, and the responsibility may be greater in a small practice in which staff develop personal relationships with their clients. Create a checklist to compare the pros and cons of each clinic you research, and rely on your instincts to determine which type of environment best suits your needs.

Only you can decide if you will be happier with a large or small clinic

 And with the expertise and philosophy of the surgeon. Whether you choose a national franchise or a small local clinic, the surgeon, his preferred technique, and the team performing the surgery determine the quality of the results. Check the reputation of the clinic and the doctor with the Better Business Bureau or the state medical board to see if there are any complaints or lawsuits against your hair transplant doctor or hair transplant clinic. Eliminate all the clinics that seem to be all bright and glamorous and without substance. In short, if you do your homework, make an informed decision and choose a clinic and a doctor that suits you, you will be satisfied with the results of your new look.

Happy Reading!!!!

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