Employee Entrepreneur Mindset – Which One Do You Have?


What I’m talking about with you today is a topic that is the subject of many discussions and is discussed frequently. This is the Employee attitude versus the entrepreneurial mindset. My view is that when this subject is brought up, it’s not a discussion meant to inform people about the various methods of thinking but instead to convince someone of the correct way of thinking. What people should be thinking. What they should do. What they need to do. It’s typically done to persuade them to purchase or take up a contract for something. Have you ever had this happen before?

For me, that’s not the purpose of the employee entrepreneur Mindset discussion. Why is that? Because not all people are designed to an Entrepreneurs, and not everyone is destined as an employee! Simply put! The millions of businesses in operation today would exist if everyone was looking to become an entrepreneur and own the business of their choice. In the same way, there must be entrepreneurs who begin firms to develop services and products and the income that goes with these.

I hope to walk you through the fundamentals of the Employee Entrepreneur mindset conversation this morning and then ask you some questions throughout the process. There aren’t any questions regarding signing up for something purchasing things, but questions regarding do you are aware of the mindset you possess. Or what you’re trying to find.

I just read an article in which the author discussed how entrepreneurs are created the way they are. It’s not something that can be learned. It can’t be learned but has to be innate! I’m a highly educated person, so I’m not going to read books that I disagree with. That’s just one of these situations. While I’m sure there are many different kinds of entrepreneurs, each with their own abilities and inclinations, I don’t believe it’s something that can’t be taught. In my opinion, the author contradicted himself when DR. Jay Feldman said, “the “entrepreneurial instinct can be a latent one, and awoken upon seeing someone else using the skill.” I believe this is becoming educated, becoming aware, and embracing that you’d like to become an entrepreneur. To wrap up my discussion, according to the writer, mathematicians were equipped to recognize the second order of differential equations. Only in the course of Calculus courses can they awaken this “latent” ability! Ya right!


I’m going off-topic and hope that it is possible how to be an entrepreneur because I have lived evidence of how it’s possible. I was once an engineer in the automobile industry, and I had a “latent” ability to differentiate second-order differential equations. Having awoken slightly reluctantly throughout the years, I am now the CEO of a highly successful multinational company I’ve built over the last six years. Do I possess the expertise I require? No. I was taught those. Do I have the drive for it? I believe this is where the author made a minor error. It’s not the desire that isn’t taught. This fire inside you drives you to do whatever is necessary to complete the task, regardless of whether you’re an employee or an entrepreneur. At the end, when my engineering career was not doing the job for me, I decided to switch careers, and now I’m here. But enough about me, it’s all about what you really want. Are you looking to become an employee or an entrepreneur?

For some, becoming an entrepreneur scares them, while others are confused. They aren’t sure what an entrepreneur is. Simply put, an entrepreneur can be described as an individual willing to initiate the creation of a new business or venture and take complete responsibility for its outcome. This sounds easy enough, but I’ll tell you not to underestimate this definition’s power.

What are the key criteria you should consider to decide whether being an entrepreneur is the thing you want to pursue? As someone who has experienced this change before and has helped others to do the same, The following five points are my opinion of the essential factors you need to take into consideration:

The current level of content

What are you most eager to make changes? Do the things you are trying to alter situationally and/or more systemic in that they encompass all aspects (i.e., you need to earn more money). Do you know where the discontent is coming from? This process of soul searching is very insightful, and you should pay attention to what you find!

I can assure you that the time and effort you invest in this will be worth it in the end. You will gain explicit knowledge of your “Why,” which will guide you to the actions you should take. You may discover the idea that being an entrepreneur might not be the right choice for you and that an easy job change is all you require. Great! This has saved you some time and perhaps even money. But if being an entrepreneur is your goal, knowing you are “Why” clearly in your mind will allow you to be invincible!

Your Personality

It’s not about being introverted versus an extrovert. It’s more about your risk tolerance. What kinds of risks do you want to risk-taking? Are you the type of person who is comfortable with looking yourself in the mirror, knowing that only you are accountable for your own success? Do you have the discipline to complete daily work to grow your business? Are you driven by more than cash? Although most business owners are successful and wealthy, only a few started due to the desire to make more money.

Be aware that using the use of money to motivate you is not effective. When you are an entrepreneur, your first few months won’t bring in a large amount of cash. If money is your sole motivator, the inability to see the money flowing in can make you demotivated quickly and cause you to doubt your commitment! The biggest killer for entrepreneurs is self-doubt!


Being an entrepreneur demands you organize and manage your new business venture. However, the thing that a lot of people don’t be aware of is their lives! This is where the plan comes in. You need to be in a position to manage your new business in a way that is efficient and will consume the bulk of your time once you begin. If you don’t, something is wrong! It may seem like a good thing initially, but by the time you realize that your business isn’t expanding, it’s not producing, and the cash isn’t flowing into the business!

Working alongside your family members is essential to achieving the perfect balance. Be aware that sacrifices will have to be needed to get your business up and running, And then, as time passes and you become more efficient at your work or even hiring some employees, your work schedule isn’t as strained, and you begin to see the results of your efforts.


This is an absolute must! You must have this to begin your business. How much funding is needed? The answer depends on the business you’re planning to start. It could range from the small amount required to start a home-based networking marketing business part-time to a few hundred thousand dollars for the franchise process or the unspecified amount required to introduce a new item or product to the market. Whatever the case, you’ll need to understand the sum the business you are starting will require to be funded before you can create your strategy.


Once all items one through four are in place and in place, the final step is to start and take the first step. Get out of your comfort zone and step into the realm of becoming an entrepreneur, and then run at full speed. Never give up! It’s true… that’s one of the secrets of success… that is one of the main reasons the first question I ask all those who say they would like to become entrepreneurs is “How bad do you want it?” Their commitment level will pay off when they face the inevitable speed bumps and roadblocks on the path to success! Do you have enough metaphors? I’m wondering the same thing…

No matter what the metaphor, it’s extremely empowering to know that you will never have to give up. Instead of using a metaphor, I’ll use an illustration. The level of commitment you must have to be a successful business owner is comparable to the devotion and commitment you give to your child. The 2AM feedings, then waking up at 3 AM because someone was sick, or spending the entire night with them until the fever subsides without thinking, “I’m done, there’s someone else who can do this, and this isn’t my thing. Think about the commitment you make to your children. And I apologize that you don’t have one commitment, but that kind of dedication is on the same level as what you must have to succeed as an entrepreneur.

My aim is not to dissuade anyone from becoming an entrepreneur. I am aware of the advantages. I know the adjustments I made to succeed in what I do. My aim is to bring the knowledge to the forefront of your thoughts so that you know what you need to do if you’re contemplating changing your life or transitioning from being an employee to an entrepreneur. It is possible to do this if it is something you want to do.

Be aware that no one is more knowledgeable than you. Be honest with yourself and your desires; the best direction to follow will be clearly laid out for you.

Happy Reading!!!!
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