It will be used by dealers to collect milestone fees every year through the GeM Portal

An overview of GeM's new revenue policy

The Government of India has now reported the new income strategy of the Gem Portal entrance, wherein the dealers should pay the Annual achievement charge in the GeM entryway in light of the Seller Merchandise Value (SMV). The SMV and the Annual achievement charge in GeM are new terms for dealers on Government e-Marketplace. Allow … Read more

GeM is not likely to affect most constituents

GeM is not likely to affect most constituents

Startup Runway 2.0: A chance for new companies to feature their creative items and administrations to Government purchasers and participate in the open acquisition. GeM has made a devoted commercial center classification for all new businesses to list their items and administrations, regardless of their DPIIT certificate. New companies can list numerous items and administrations … Read more

Is the Government e-Marketplace exactly what it sounds like?

Is the Government e-Marketplace exactly what it sounds like

The Government e-Marketplace is a monstrous gateway where vendors offer their labor and products and any administration division, service, or public area substance can buy them. It works in much the same way as some other web-based business commercial centers, like Amazon or Flipkart, then again, actually, purchasers in GeM are just government divisions, and … Read more