Everything You Need To Know About SDA Housing Investment

What Is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a program started by the Australian government to help people with significant or permanent impairments. NDIS provides all the reasonable and necessary support to its participants, which allows them to live an independent life.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing designed to fit participants who have higher and more complex needs. SDA dwellings contain features that help the participants become more independent and help providers deliver the support more safely.

The market produces high-quality, accessible, and well-designed housing for participants with SDA funding in their NDIS plan. NDIS directly pays the SDA providers for the building and maintenance costs. Participants only have to pay a reasonable rent and day-to-day expenses like bills etc.

NDIS investment is not as straightforward as it may seem; however, it has a huge return potential and helps people in need. To put it simply, SDA housing is all about providing sustainable solutions to people with higher-level needs. It is giving control in the hands of the participants with higher functional limitations.

How Do You Invest In An SDA Property?

There are many ways you can become a part of SDA housing investment. Firstly you can purchase property and adapt it according to the SDA requirements by NDIS, but this requires a lot of substantial requirements, the scheme sets minimum spending, and the investor must be able to qualify.

If you want to invest in SDA housing, there are a number of builders and architects that specialise in this type of work. Another way to invest in SDA is to seek out an approved SDA property to purchase, just like how you purchase any other property through real estate.

However, the most common way to become a part of an SDA housing investment is to buy land and then build it according with the SDA requirements.

Why Should You Invest?

Becoming an SDA investor can be very advantageous. Apart from making profits, you can get many other perks while assisting people to live more comfortably. The aim of this scheme is to rehouse people with special needs in private accommodations that fulfil their requirements. The dwellings could be a single free-standing house, a villa, apartments, or group homes. As an SDA provider, you can lease the house to approved participants.

SDA Scheme Compliance

Before investing in SDA, you must know that this type of scheme is highly monitored and regulated. You must meet a specific set of standards before your property can qualify for the tenants, which means these properties can be more complex to finance than other real estate properties.

Design Categories Of SDA House

Following are the four main categories of SDA housing.

1. Fully Accessible: A high-quality physical access is available for people with limited physical impairments.

2. Robust: This dwelling is supposed to provide support for people with higher level needs, so it’s resilient and has non-reactive maintenance.

3. High Physical Support: The purpose of these homes is to provide higher-level support to the tenants to help them live independently.

4. Improved Livability: SDA improves the livability of the tenants, and this is achieved by providing a specific amount of physical support.

Before investing in SDA housing, it is very important to know the supply and demand, so make sure that you check the need for these dwellings in the future.


If you want to know more about SDA housing investment, contact Fronto Advisory. They are a team of professional advisors who have knowledge about all things regarding NDIS, RTO, CRICOS, Child Care, and Aged Care. If you reach out, their advisors will help you the best they can and make sure your concerns are resolved.

Happy Reading!!!!
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