Fighting Fatigue: Tips for women with PCOS


With PCOS, comes a range of symptoms that often make you feel like you have no control over your body. Symptoms such as irregular periods, excessive growth of hair, weight gain, and acne are common and widely addressed too. But there are subtle differences in how every woman with PCOS projects these symptoms. Apart from these symptoms, there are underlying issues that are less talked about because they are not highlighted as a visible effect of PCOS.

This involves fertility issues, mental vulnerability, and even fatigue. Fatigue in PCOS is often mistaken for lethargy and women are blamed for their procrastinating behavior. However, women with PCOS do experience fatigue due to a multitude of reasons. While fatigue can be experienced by almost anyone because of their daily activities, if the fatigue is experienced as a constant part of your life, it can affect the way you function in totality.

Insulin resistance is one of the main reasons why women with PCOS may feel fatigued, which can affect their quality of daily life. However, amidst all this, there are simple ways that you can fight this fatigue every day with some simple tricks:

1.  A balanced diet:

You are what you eat – and a balance in what you eat can make a significant difference in how you feel. Improving insulin sensitivity can help with many symptoms of PCOS, including fatigue. Aim to include ample portions of dietary fiber, protein, and healthy fats in your diet along with a small portion of complex carbohydrates. Eating more regularly and in small portions can help maintain your blood sugar levels and prevent fatigue.

2. Water!

Staying hydrated is necessary to keep yourself energized and steady for the day without feeling fatigued or lethargy.

3. A fun exercise:

Physical activity may already feel like a taxing job. However, doing an activity that you actually like may help you stay on your toes longer than before.

4. More sleep, less caffeine:

Your sleep routine is very important when it comes to managing fatigue. A full night’s rest determines how your day goes, so a consistent routine is good for your mind and body.

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Consuming a lot of caffeine can disrupt your sleep routine instead of boosting your productivity, and hence it should be limited throughout the day.

PCOS can be a taxing condition and the fatigue you have is real. But remember – you are not alone, and consulting your doctor for more tips definitely helps!

Happy Reading!!!!

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