Filtered Water Versus Mineral Water Advantages And Disadvantages

One of the elements that impact our well-being the most is the amount and the nature of the water that we polish off consistently. Being picky about the quality and purity of the water we consume is essential because hydration is essential to our survival.It is now clear that tap water cannot be consumed because it contains harmful contaminants and is no longer a mystery. There are still two types of water that can be used to hydrate, specifically bottled and filtered water. In the following, we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each type of Abu Dhabi Water to help you make the best decision for your health and well-being as a whole.

Filtered Water Advantages

Filtered Water will be water that has been gone through an intensive filtration process given by a water channel. Water filters come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all accomplish the same thing in different ways. Instead of wasting time, let’s find out together what advantages healthy filtered water offers:

  • Free of impurities and contaminants: When it comes to filtered water, the fact that it is free of contaminants and unsurpassed in purity cannot be disputed. Naturally, the type of filtration system used in the purification process determines the purity of the filtered water you consume. However, if you test the water before purchasing the system, you will know which contaminants need to be targeted, allowing you to choose the appropriate water filter.
  • Further developed flavor: There are few things worse than having to drink water. Not only are you guaranteed that the water you drink is of very low quality, but you also won’t be able to hydrate yourself with it because you won’t like the taste and won’t eat it at some point. Sadly, this is a major problem with tap water, but it can be easily fixed by adding a water filter, and turning the once-unappetizing water into tasty filtered water.
  • Absence of odors: Chlorine is the contaminant that gives tap water its foul odor, but it is also a contaminant that is always present because it helps kill bacteria and other harmful impurities in municipal water. Due to the removal of the chemical from the water, filtered water, which is essentially tap water that has undergone a filtration process, does not typically possess the unpleasant odor that is caused by chlorine.
  • Option for saving money in the long run: Despite the high cost of the filtration system, filtered water initially appears to be an expensive option, but in the long run, it actually saves you a lot of money. A family of four will spend approximately $1.10 per year exclusively on consuming filtered tap water, excluding any potential appliance maintenance costs. This is significantly less than the approximately $3000 that a four-person family spends on bottled water annually.
  • Created on request: Obviously, we can’t neglect the way that sifted water is delivered on request. The filtration system provides clean, contaminant-free water in a matter of seconds whenever you want to drink it. Additionally, you can easily take the healthy water with you on a walk or other activity by simply filling a container of your choice.

Cons of Filtered Water 

Consuming filtered water has a few drawbacks, the most significant of which are the initial costs and the work required to maintain the water filters. To learn more about the drawbacks of drinking filtered water, read the following lines:

  • expensive system for filtering water: The water filter might end up costing you a lot of money in the beginning. However, this need not necessarily be a drawback because there are water filtration systems available for all budgets, and the market is saturated with these appliances. So, if you don’t have hundreds or even thousands of dollars to spend on a high-end whole house water filter, don’t worry because there is a cheaper under-the-sink system that will still work for you. Additionally, when you consider that it actually helps you save money in the long run, it is a worthwhile investment.
  • The filtration system requires the following upkeep: One thing is certain, regardless of the kind of system you install or use: you will eventually need to perform maintenance. Because the filters need to be changed on a regular basis, there will be some costs involved. However, if you’re dealing with a high-quality filtration system, this won’t add up to much because you won’t need to do any maintenance very often.

Pros of Bottled Water 

There are a number of reasons why bottled water is so popular, which we will list and explain in the following lines:

  • Convenient solution for hydrating: It goes without saying that bottles of water are made of glass or plastic. The fact that bottled water is a very convenient way to hydrate is unquestionably its strength and the reason for its widespread popularity.It is ideal for traveling due to its portability, and in the event that you forget to bring a bottle, you can purchase one from a store to avoid dehydration.
  • Better than bottled water: Even though drinking bottled water may not be the best way to stay hydrated, it is still safer than drinking tap water. Typically, contaminants that pose a threat to the health of those who consume them are tested on the water that ends up in stores and is ultimately purchased and consumed. As a result, there are fewer chances that it will contain bacteria, contaminants, and other impurities, making it a healthier choice.
  • Great taste: Bottled water tastes good, like filtered water. It may even contain minerals that enhance its flavor and improve its health benefits, depending on the brand you buy it from. You’ll be more likely to drink the water because it tastes and smells good, so you’ll stay hydrated not because you have to, but because you want to.
  • Effectively accessible: All stores sell water, as previously mentioned. Of course, almost all stores. Since filtered water is only available in your home and other locations where filtration systems are installed, this presents a significant advantage. However, bottled water is always within your reach and can be purchased for just a few dollars from almost any store.

Cons of Bottled Water 

Consuming bottled water has to have cons because nothing is perfect. These drawbacks include:

  • Expensive: Although it may not appear so at first, purchasing bottled water ultimately costs a lot in the long run. We have already mentioned that a four-person family spends approximately $3000 per year on bottled water, significantly more than they would spend on filtered water, which costs only $1.10 per year. The fact that you are actually affecting your budget by purchasing the water that you use to hydrate yourself from the store is more than demonstrated by these numbers.
  • Not always free of contaminants: Although this water is advertised as free of contaminants, this is not always the case. First and foremost, there are still instances in which it is not thoroughly cleansed of harmful contaminants and impurities before entering the bottle. This means that you may be paying more for water that is less pure than tap water. Second, the chemicals in the plastic contaminate the food after it has been sitting in the container for so long. However, this drawback only affects plastic bottles, not glass or other types of recipients.
  • risks for the environment: Sadly, plastic is one of the world’s most significant pollutants. Numerous plastic bottles are discarded improperly and not recycled. The air we breathe, the land from which we harvest our food, and the water we drink all become polluted as a result. Despite the fact that careless handling of plastic bottles is to blame for this situation, it would be preferable to stop using them altogether to prevent the spread of this major problem.
  • promotes the use of fossil fuels: A lot of fossil fuel is used in land and water transportation to get water bottles to stores around the world. The consumption of bottled water actually contributes to the degradation of the planet and the deterioration of human conditions on Earth, which is an unfortunate reality that needs to be acknowledged.

Conclusion: Which kind of water is best to drink?

It’s easy to see why we think filtered water is better now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of both types of water. Consuming it not only helps the environment and saves you money in the long run, but it also ensures that the water you drink is free of contaminants. As a result, making the choice to drink water that has been thoroughly filtered first is a truly life-altering one that will benefit your health, your wallet, and the environment.